I am trying to get recommendation for user with single preference, which seems to intentionally dropped by Mahout recommender job on Hadoop. For my case about 50% user have only single preference not many and it is ok to have any recommendation for that with may be < 1.0 recommendation strength for that.
How can I get that?
Options I have used
nohup hadoop jar mahout-core-0.8-job.jar org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.hadoop.item.RecommenderJob --booleanData --similarityClassname SIMILARITY_LOGLIKELIHOOD --input s3://XXX/RS/tmp/mahout_input/SIMILARITY_LOGLIKELIHOOD/1M/ --output s3://XXX/RS/tmp/mahout_output/SIMILARITY_LOGLIKELIHOOD/1M/ --outputPathForSimilarityMatrix s3://XXX/RS/tmp/SimilarityMatrix/1M/ --numRecommendations 50 --maxPrefsPerUser 500 --threshold 0.2 --maxSimilaritiesPerItem 100 --minPrefsPerUser 1