I have a word count function that looks for text that is either Highlighted or Bold and Un-Underlined and then returns the number of words in a document that meet that criteria.
However the results differ from the results returned by the Find function in word by a significant margin, anyone have any idea why the discrepancy might be occurring? Am I double-counting something?
Sub CountWords()
Dim rngWords As Range
Set rngWords = ActiveDocument.Content
Dim boldCount As Long, highlightCount As Long
Dim wordTotal As Long
With rngWords.Find
.Highlight = True
.Forward = True
End With
If rngWords.Find.Found = True Then
highlightCount = highlightCount + rngWords.Words.Count
Exit Do
End If
Set rngWords = ActiveDocument.Content
With rngWords.Find
.Font.Bold = True
.Highlight = False
.Font.Underline = wdUnderlineNone
.Forward = True
End With
If rngWords.Find.Found = True Then
boldCount = boldCount + rngWords.Words.Count
Exit Do
End If
wordTotal = boldCount + highlightCount
MsgBox "There are " & wordTotal & " words to be spread"
End Sub