
I'll be as brief as I can to not make it overcomplicated. I need to copy name and last name from Excel, paste it into Word template and print. I have a huge excel file which I need to copy two columns from each row ( ie E31:F31,E40:F40) into a bookmark in Word and then print it.

  1. I need to loop my script to go either from row X to Y or X number of times. The excel database is not well formated. I managed to apply paste&print to custom number of cells, but I get the "document it used do you want to open a temp copy" error probably because I try to do it all at once.
  2. Text copied shows up in Word with big gaps between two words (what came from columen E and F), how do I fix it?

    Sub Copy_Excel_Cell_to_Word_Form()

    Dim wdApp As Object 'Word.Application
    Dim wdDoc As Object 'Word.Document
    For i = 31 To 60
        'Open new instance of Microsoft Word
        Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
        'Make application visible
        'wdApp.Visible = False
        'Open the word document
        Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Open("\\example.doc")
        'Copy value
        Worksheets(1).Range("E" & i, "F" & i).Copy
        'Paste to word document
        wdDoc.Bookmarks("WORKER").Range.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatPlainText)

    End Sub

I think you should use VBA to pull the data into a different Excel file (just the data you want, not all of it), clean it up as necessary, then use that file as a basis for Word's mail merge. What do you think of that?Dick Kusleika
You first point or question is confusing. Can you provide more information?Seth
@Dick Yes you are right, I didn't know this tool. But on the other hand, I'm almost there with the VBA code :D.user3158006
@Seth Sure. I need to loop "copy,paste,print,go to next row and repeat' for eithes x number of loops or from row x to y instead of just doing all the matching ranges at once, which gives me "this document is locked" erroruser3158006

1 Answers


For your second point, try this:

Declare a string variable called workerName. Instead of Worksheets(1).Range("E" & i, "F" & i).Copy use

workerName = Worksheets(1).Cells(i,5).Value 'e = 5
workerName = workerName & " " & Worksheets(1).Cells(i,6).Value & vbCr 'f = 6

And instead of use wdDoc.Bookmarks("WORKER").Range.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatPlainText) use

wdDoc.Bookmarks("WORKER").Range.Text = workerName

This should clear up the big gaps.