
Need your help on below code on submitting form not capturing data, seems going false or data not validating, any suggestion/advise

Sub Register() Dim appIE As InternetExplorerMedium Dim objElement As Object Dim objCollection As Object Dim LastRow As Long Dim i As Long Dim y As Long Dim IE As Object Dim sht As Worksheet

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

 Set appIE = New InternetExplorerMedium

sURL = "www.google.form.html"

With appIE .Navigate sURL .Visible = True End With

Do While appIE.Busy Or appIE.ReadyState <> 4 DoEvents Loop Application.StatusBar = "Submitting" ' Wait while appIE loading... While appIE.Busy DoEvents Wend

' **********************************************************************
appIE.Document.getElementByID("form-options-400376029").Value = sht.Range("C" & i)
appIE.Document.getElementByID("form-options-1327113494").selectedIndex = sht.Range("E" & i)
appIE.Document.getElementByID("form-text-1234").Value = sht.Range("F" & i)
appIE.Document.getElementByID("form-text-4567").Value = sht.Range("G" & i)
appIE.Document.getElementByID("form-text-7891").Value = sht.Range("H" & i)
appIE.Document.getElementByID("form-text-2345").Value = sht.Range("I" & i)
appIE.Document.getElementByID("form-text-3456").Value = sht.Range("J" & i)
appIE.Document.getElementByID("form-text-7419").Value = sht.Range("K" & i)
appIE.Document.getElementByID("form-options-7565").Value = sht.Range("L" & i)
appIE.Document.getElementByID("form-text-5539").Value = sht.Range("M" & i)

End Sub

Desperately looking for an answer, common guys help me PleaseDudu