I have seen this question asked often and have come across this 'error' myself. There have even been links to question whether this is an actual bug in Chrome.
This is the response that occurs when one or more form input type elements are hidden and these elements have a min/max limit (or some other validation limitation) imposed.
On creation of a form, there are no values attributed to the elements, later on the element values may be filled or remain unchanged.
At the time of submit, the form is parsed and any hidden elements that are outside of these validation limits will throw this 'error' into the console and the submit will fail. Since you can't access these elements (because they are hidden) this is the only response that is valid.
This isn't an actual fault nor bug. It is an indication that there are element values about to be submitted that are outside of the limits stipulated by one or more elements.
To fix this, assign a valid default value to any elements that are hidden in the form at any time before the form is submitted, then these 'errors' will never occur. It is not a bug as such, it is just forcing you into better programming habits.
NB: If you wish to set these values to something outside the validation limits then use form.addEventListener('submit', myFunction) to intercept the 'submit' event and fill in these elements in "myFunction". It seems the validation checking is performed before "myFunction() is called.