I ended up writing a node plugin to allow for many pub-sub clients but only require 2 redis connections instead of a new one on every single socketio connection, it should work in general, figured someone else may find use for it.
This code assumed you have socket.io running and setup, basically in this example any number of socket.io clients can connect and it will always still only use 2 redis connections, but all clients can subscribe to their own channels. In this example, all clients get a message 'sweet message!' after 10 seconds.
Example with socket.io (utilizing redis pub-sub):
RPubSubFactory = require('rpss.js');
redOne = redis.createClient(port, host),
redTwo = redis.createClient(port, host);
var pSCFactory = new RPubSubFactory(redOne);
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){
var cps = pSCFactory.createClient();
cps.onMessage(function(channel, message){
socket.emit('message', message);
io.sockets.on('disconnect', function(socket){
// Dont actually need to unsub, because end() will cleanup all subs,
// but if you need to sometime during the connection lifetime, you can.
redTwo.publish('cool_channel', 'sweet message!');
Actual plugin code:
var RPubSubFactory = function(){
dbcom = false,
rPubSubIdCounter = 1,
clientLookup = {},
globalSubscriptions = {};
// public
this.createClient = function()
return new RPubSupClient();
// private
var constructor = function(tdbcom)
dbcom = tdbcom;
dbcom.on("message", incommingMessage);
var incommingMessage = function(rawchannel, strMessage)
len = globalSubscriptions[rawchannel].length;
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
//console.log(globalSubscriptions[rawchannel][i]+' incomming on channel '+rawchannel);
clientLookup[globalSubscriptions[rawchannel][i]]._incommingMessage(rawchannel, strMessage);
// class
var RPubSupClient = function()
id = -1,
localSubscriptions = [];
this.id = -1;
this._incommingMessage = function(){};
this.subscribe = function(channel)
//console.log('client '+id+' subscribing to '+channel);
if(!(channel in globalSubscriptions)){
globalSubscriptions[channel] = [id];
else if(globalSubscriptions[channel].indexOf(id) == -1){
if(localSubscriptions.indexOf(channel) == -1){
this.unsubscribe = function(channel)
//console.log('client '+id+' unsubscribing to '+channel);
if(channel in globalSubscriptions)
indx = globalSubscriptions[channel].indexOf(id);
if(indx != -1){
globalSubscriptions[channel].splice(indx, 1);
if(globalSubscriptions[channel].length == 0){
delete globalSubscriptions[channel];
indx = localSubscriptions.indexOf(channel);
if(indx != -1){
localSubscriptions.splice(indx, 1);
this.onMessage = function(msgFn)
this._incommingMessage = msgFn;
this.end = function()
//console.log('end client id = '+id+' closing subscriptions='+localSubscriptions.join(','));
tarr = localSubscriptions.slice(0);
len = tarr.length;
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
localSubscriptions = [];
delete clientLookup[id];
var constructor = function(){
this.id = id = rPubSubIdCounter++;
clientLookup[id] = this;
//console.log('new client id = '+id);
constructor.apply(this, arguments);
constructor.apply(this, arguments);
module.exports = RPubSubFactory;
I mucked around and tried to improve the efficiency as much as I could, but after doing some different speed tests, I concluded this was the fastest I could get it.
For up-to-date version: https://github.com/Jezternz/node-redis-pubsub