
Here is my code using socket.io as WebSocket and backend with pub/sub redis.

var io = io.listen(server),
    buffer = [];

var redis = require("redis");

var subscribe = redis.createClient();  **<--- open new connection overhead**

io.on('connection', function(client) {


    subscribe.get("..", function (err, replies) {


    subscribe.on("message",function(channel,message) {

        var msg = { message: [client.sessionId, message] };
        if (buffer.length > 15) buffer.shift();

    client.on('message', function(message){

    client.on('disconnect', function(){

Every new io request will create new redis connection. If someone open browser with 100 tabs then the redis client will open 100 connections. It doesn't look nice.

Is it possible to reuse redis connection if the cookies are same? So if someone open many browser tabs also treat as open 1 connection.

I just wrote a scalable socket.io sample you may want to take a look.Trantor Liu
Here is one good linkzangw

5 Answers


Actually you are only creating a new redis client for every connection if you are instantiating the client on the "connection" event. What I prefer to do when creating a chat system is to create three redis clients. One for publishing, subscribing, and one for storing values into redis.

for example:

var socketio = require("socket.io")
var redis = require("redis")

// redis clients
var store = redis.createClient()
var pub = redis.createClient()
var sub = redis.createClient()

// ... application paths go here

var socket = socketio.listen(app)


socket.on("connection", function(client){

  client.on("message", function(text){
    store.incr("messageNextId", function(e, id){
      store.hmset("messages:" + id, { uid: client.sessionId, text: text }, function(e, r){
        pub.publish("chat", "messages:" + id)

  client.on("disconnect", function(){
    client.broadcast(client.sessionId + " disconnected")

  sub.on("message", function(pattern, key){
    store.hgetall(key, function(e, obj){
      client.send(obj.uid + ": " + obj.text)


Redis is optimized for a high level of concurrent connections. There is also discussion about multiple database connections and connection pool implementation in node_redis module.

Is it possible to reuse redis connection if the cookies are same? So if someone open many browser tabs also treat as open 1 connection.

You can use for example HTML5 storage on the client side to keep actively connected only one tab and others will handle communication/messages through storage events. It's related to this question.


I had this exact problem, with an extra requirement that clients must be able to subscribe to private channels, and publish to those channels should not be sent to all listeners. I have attempted to solve this problem by writing a miniature plugin. The plugin:

  • Uses only 2 redis connections, one for pub, one for sub
  • Only subscribes to "message" once total (not once every redis connection)
  • Allow clients to subscribe to their own private channels, without messages being sent to all other listening clients.

Especially useful if your prototyping in a place where you have a redis connection limit (such as redis-to-go). SO link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16770510/685404


You need to remove the listener when client disconnect.

var io = io.listen(server),
    buffer = [];

var redis = require("redis");

var subscribe = redis.createClient();  

io.on('connection', function(client) {


    subscribe.get("..", function (err, replies) {


    var redis_handler = function(channel,message) {

        var msg = { message: [client.sessionId, message] };
        if (buffer.length > 15) buffer.shift();

    subscribe.on("message", redis_handler);

    client.on('message', function(message){

    client.on('disconnect', function(){
        subscribe.removeListerner('message', redis_handler)

See Redis, Node.js, and Socket.io : Cross server authentication and node.js understanding


Using redis as a store has become much simpler since this question was asked/answered. It is built in now.

Note, that if you are using redis because you are using the new node clustering capabilities (utilizing multiple CPUs), you have to create the server and attach the listeners inside of each of the cluster forks (this is never actually explained anywhere in any of the documentation ;) ). The only good code example online that I have found is written in CoffeeScript and I see a lot of people saying this type of thing "just doesn't work", and it definitely doesn't if you do it wrong. Here's an example of "doing it right" (but it is in CoffeeScript)