
Is there a way to connect two modules port without instantiating a new wire?

little example:

module comparator(max,min,in0,in1);

    input[7:0] in0,in1;
    output[7:0] max,min;

    wire[7:0] in0;
    wire[7:0] in1;
    wire[7:0] max;
    wire[7:0] min;

    assign max = (in0>in1) ? in0 : in1;
    assign min = (in0<in1) ? in0 : in1;


I want to connect 2 comparator modules without using a new wire, is there some kind of implicit connection? i really need a way to do such thing in order to do this net: enter image description here

there are to many wire between the modules.


2 Answers


The IEEE Std (1364-2001) introduced the generate construct to allow for connecting multiple instances together.

The IEEE Std (1800-2005) introduced the "dot-star" (.*) syntax, also known as implicit port connections, to reduce wiring. If you are using modern tools, they should support this SystemVerilog syntax.


I'm guessing you want one module that instantiates the module comparator many times in a way that looks like your diagram. You'll need to an array (two dimensional in my solution) were the width controlled by a parameter for the best flexibility. Inside a generate block use for-loops and if-else statements to make the connections. My solution uses slice of an array e.g. +:.

This follows IEEE Std (1800-2009), should also be true for IEEE Std (1800-2005).

module comparator_list #(parameter int SIZE=10) (input logic [7:0] in [SIZE-1:0], output logic [7:0] out [SIZE-1:0]);
        if (SIZE==1) begin : pass_through
            always_comb out = in;
        end : pass_through
        else if (SIZE==2) begin : simple
            comparator c0 ( .max(out[0]), .min(out[1]), .in0(in[0]), .in1(in[1]) );
        end : simple
        else if (SIZE%2==1) begin : odd_list
            logic [7:0] in_buf [SIZE:0];
            logic [7:0] out_buf [SIZE:0];
            always_comb begin : link_in
                foreach(in[idx]) in_buf[idx] = in[idx];
                in_buf[SIZE] = 8'h00; // force last entry to 'h0 if unasigned, 'h80 if signed
            end : link_in
            always_comb begin : link_out
                foreach(out[idx]) out[idx] = out_buf[idx];
                // Note: out_buf[SIZE] is don't care
            end : link_out
            comparator_list #(SIZE+1) cl (.in(in_buf), .out(out_buf));
        end : odd_list
        else begin : even_list
            logic [(SIZE/2)*8-1:0] top [SIZE+1];
            logic [(SIZE/2)*8-1:0] bot [SIZE+1];

            for(genvar idx=0; idx<SIZE/2; idx+=1) begin : map
                always_comb {top[0][idx*8+:8],bot[0][idx*8+:8]} = {in[2*idx],in[2*idx+1]};
                always_comb {out[2*idx],out[2*idx+1]} = {top[SIZE][idx*8+:8],bot[SIZE][idx*8+:8]};
            end : map

            for(genvar stage=0; stage<SIZE; stage++) begin : link
                if(stage%2==0) begin : even
                    comparator c0[SIZE/2-1:0] (
                        .max(top[stage+1][0+:(SIZE/2)*8]), .in0(top[stage][0+:(SIZE/2)*8]),
                        .min(bot[stage+1][0+:(SIZE/2)*8]), .in1(bot[stage][0+:(SIZE/2)*8]) );
                end : even
                else begin : odd
                    assign top[stage+1][7:0] = top[stage][7:0];
                    comparator c1[SIZE/2-2:0] (
                    assign bot[stage+1][(SIZE/2-1)*8+:8] = bot[stage][(SIZE/2-1)*8+:8];
                end : odd
            end : link
        end : even_list
endmodule : comparator_list