I have a list in prolog that contains several items. I need to 'normalized' the content of this list and write the result to a new list. But I still have problem in doing it. The following code shows how I did it:
normalizeLists(SourceList, DestList) :-
% get all the member of the source list, one by one
member(Item, SourceList),
% normalize the item
normalizeItem(Item, NormItem),
% add the normalize Item to the Destination List (it was set [] at beginning)
append(NormItem, DestList, DestList).
The problem is in the append predicate. I guess it is because in prolog, I cannot do something like in imperative programming, such as:
DestList = DestList + NormItem,
But how can I do something like that in Prolog? Or if my approach is incorrect, how can I write prolog code to solve this kind of problem.
Any help is really appreciated.