I have the following problem. I want to replace a value of an element in my xquery-file by using baseX as the database. The xquery code is as follows:
let $db := doc('update.xml')
replace value of node $db//elem with 'haha'
return <result> {$db//elem/text()} </result>
The xml document contains the following elements:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<root xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
Everytime I want to execute this xquery an error like this is thrown:
Expecting 'where', 'order' or 'return' expression
so what should i do or change, to just replace the text "test" by "haha" in the element ? If I use just this line of code it works, but I have to read out of URL-Parameter so I need more lines of code, except the "replace...." line!