I have the following snippet of SQL:
declare @idx int = 1
while (@idx <= @NumThresholds)
declare @strIdx nvarchar(100) = convert(varchar(100), @idx)
declare @xqueryString nvarchar(max) = concat('replace value of (//*:ElecTariffElements/*:ThresholdMatrix/*:Thresholds/*:BlockThreshold/text())[', @strIdx, '] with "0"')
set @xml.modify(@xqueryString)
set @idx = @idx + 1
where I want to update each value of a BlockThreshold
However I get the error:
The argument 1 of the XML data type method "modify" must be a string literal.
I have also tried using the sql:variable("@strIdx")
like so:
declare @idx int = 1
while (@idx <= @NumThresholds)
declare @strIdx nvarchar(100) = convert(varchar(100), @idx)
set @xml.modify('replace value of (//*:ElecTariffElements/*:ThresholdMatrix/*:Thresholds/*:BlockThreshold/text())[sql:variable("@strIdx")] with "0"')
set @idx = @idx + 1
but this then I get this error:
XQuery [modify()]: Only 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal?', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean?' or 'node()*' expressions allowed as predicates, found 'xs:string ?'
I just want to iterate over the elements and replace the values but it seems to be a lot more difficult than I might expect it to be.
Any help is greatly appreciated!