I want to compile some C++ files and I absolutely have to put all object files in a separate build directory, but stored completely flat, i.e., without any further subdirectories. I know the common solution using VPATH, which goes something like this:
SOURCES = foo/one.cpp \
foo/bar/two.cpp \
OBJDIR = obj
OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(notdir $(SOURCES:%.cpp=%.o)))
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.cpp
@echo Should compile: $(filter %/$*.cpp, $(SOURCES))
@echo Compiling $<
all: $(OBJECTS)
This example pretty much works: I get three object files one.o, two.o, three.o in the 'obj' subdirectory (you can assume it just exists).
Now here's the catch when using VPATH: If there happens to be a file 'foo/three.cpp', then this will be compiled instead of the 'foo/bar/sub/three.cpp' which is named in the SOURCES variable. And no, I cannot rename either file; this name clash simply exists and I cannot do anything about that.
So my question is: How can I tell Make to only use '.cpp' files which appear in the SOURCES variable? I think the best solution would be to use that 'filter' statement in the target's prerequisite. I think this should be possible using secondary expansion, but I don't know what to do with the '%'. For example, I tried
$(OBJDIR)/%.o : $$(filter %/$$*.cpp, $(SOURCES))
but that doesn't work.
UPDATE: With the help of tripleee, I managed to get this working using the following:
define make-deps
$(OBJDIR)/$(notdir $(1:%.cpp=%.o)): $1
$(foreach d, $(SOURCES), $(eval $(call make-deps,$d)))
%.o :
@echo Should compile $^ into $@
@echo Compiling $^
files into one flat directory? – Maxim Egorushkin