
I use CMake with GNU Make and would like to see all commands exactly (for example how the compiler is executed, all the flags etc.).

GNU make has --debug, but it does not seem to be that helpful are there any other options? Does CMake provide additional flags in the generated Makefile for debugging purpose?

Or, to add some search terms, How to hide full, verbose executed command lines and show only terse quiet percentage colored output.ulidtko
mkdir build; cd build; cmake .. --debug-output; make VERBOSE=1parasrish

6 Answers


CMake 3.14+ you can simply specify the verbosity of the build tool.

# Configure your project
cmake -S . -B build/

# Build your project with verbose output
# This will allow you to see the exact commands being used.
# And this works with Makefiles, Ninja, Visual Studio, etc.
cmake --build build --verbose

Before CMake 3.14

When you run make, add VERBOSE=1 to see the full command output. For example:

cmake .
make VERBOSE=1

Or you can add -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON to the cmake command for permanent verbose command output from the generated Makefiles.


To reduce some possibly less-interesting output you might like to use the following options. The option CMAKE_RULE_MESSAGES=OFF removes lines like [ 33%] Building C object..., while --no-print-directory tells make to not print out the current directory filtering out lines like make[1]: Entering directory and make[1]: Leaving directory.

make --no-print-directory

It is convenient to set the option in the CMakeLists.txt file as:


Or simply export VERBOSE environment variable on the shell like this: export VERBOSE=1


If you use the CMake GUI then swap to the advanced view and then the option is called CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE.


I was trying something similar to ensure the -ggdb flag was present.

Call make in a clean directory and grep the flag you are looking for. Looking for debug rather than ggdb I would just write.

make VERBOSE=1 | grep debug

The -ggdb flag was obscure enough that only the compile commands popped up.


cmake --build . --verbose

On Linux and with Makefile generation, this is likely just calling make VERBOSE=1 under the hood, but cmake --build can be more portable for your build system, e.g. working across OSes or if you decide to do e.g. Ninja builds later on:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --verbose

Its documentation also suggests that it is equivalent to VERBOSE=1:

--verbose, -v

Enable verbose output - if supported - including the build commands to be executed.

This option can be omitted if VERBOSE environment variable or CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE cached variable is set.