How to list a facet based on a property of a nested field using Mpdreamz/NEST Elasticsearch client?
I checked the Nest documentation, but it's not clear how to do it.
This is the code that I tried:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Nest;
namespace Demo
class Program
public class Movie
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
[ElasticProperty(Index = FieldIndexOption.analyzed, Type = FieldType.nested)]
public List<Genre> Genres { get; set; }
public int Year { get; set; }
public class Genre
// public int Id { get; set; }
[ElasticProperty(Index = FieldIndexOption.analyzed)]
public string GenreTitle { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
var setting = new ConnectionSettings("localhost", 9200);
var client = new ElasticClient(setting);
// delete previous index with documents
// put documents to the index
var genres = new List<Genre>();
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
genres.Add(new Genre { GenreTitle = string.Format("Genre {0}", i) });
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
client.Index(new Movie
Id = i,
Description = string.Format("Some movie description {0}", i),
Title = string.Format("Movie Title {0}", i),
Year = 1980 + (i % 10),
Genres = genres.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(10).ToList()
// query with facet on nested field property genres.genreTitle
var queryResults = client.Search<Movie>(x => x
.FacetTerm(t => t
.OnField(f => f.Year)
.FacetTerm(t => t
.OnField(f => f.Genres.Select(f1 => f1.GenreTitle) )
var yearFacetItems = queryResults.FacetItems<FacetItem>(p => p.Year);
foreach (var item in yearFacetItems)
var termItem = item as TermItem;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} ({1})", termItem.Term, termItem.Count));
/* Returns:
1989 (90)
1988 (90)
1986 (90)
1984 (90)
1983 (90)
1981 (90)
1980 (90)
1987 (89)
1982 (89)
1985 (88)
and it's fine! */
var genresFacetItems = queryResults.FacetItems<FacetItem>(p => p.Genres.Select(f => f.GenreTitle));
foreach (var item in genresFacetItems)
var termItem = item as TermItem;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} ({1})", termItem.Term, termItem.Count));
/* Return soemthing:
genre (842)
98 (47)
51 (30)
24 (29)
46 (28)
and it's BAD!
I expect the Genre Title to be listed as
string, not as some strange integer */
As result of facet I get:
- genre (842)
- 98 (47)
- 51 (30)
- 24 (29)
- 46 (28)
While I expect to get something like:
- Genre 1 (842)
- Genre 2 (47)
- Genre 3 (30)
- Genre 4 (29)
- Genre 5 (28)
What do I do wrong? Where to check the right way of using nested fields in Nest and facets on them?
Thank you.
I found it has something to do with tokenizer/analyzer. If genre name is without spaces or dashes - everything works fine. I also tried not-analyzed index attribute
[ElasticProperty(Index = FieldIndexOption.not_analyzed)]
public string GenreTitle { get; set; }
but it didn't help
Update 2: I added fluent index mapping instead of annotations right after previous index delete like:
var settings = new IndexSettings();
var typeMapping = new TypeMapping("movies");
var type = new TypeMappingProperty
Type = "string",
Index = "not_analyzed",
Boost = 2.0
// Many more options available
typeMapping.Properties = new Dictionary<string, TypeMappingProperty>();
typeMapping.Properties.Add("genres.genreTitle", type);
client.CreateIndex("default_index", settings);
Now not sure what was wrong with annotations. Is there any additional config needed to use annotations for index settings?