I am using NEST (ver 0.12) Elasticsearch (ver 1.0) and I'm facing a problem with the facets. Basically I'm expecting the results to be something similar to this
Between 18 and 25 (10)
Between 26 and 35 (80)
Greater then 35 (10)
But what I'm actually getting is this
between (99)
and (99)
35 (99)
26 (99)
This is my code
namespace ElasticSerachTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var setting = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200/"));
var client = new ElasticClient(setting);
var createIndexResult = client.CreateIndex("customertest", new IndexSettings
// put documents to the index using bulk
var customers = new List<BulkParameters<Customer>>();
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
customers.Add(new BulkParameters<Customer>(new Customer
Id = i,
AgeBand = GetAgeBand(),
Name = string.Format("Customer {0}", i)
var bp = new SimpleBulkParameters()
Replication = Replication.Async,
Refresh = true
//first delete
client.DeleteMany(customers, bp);
//now bulk insert
client.IndexMany(customers, bp);
// query with facet on nested field property genres.genreTitle
var queryResults = client.Search<Customer>(x => x
.FacetTerm(t => t
.OnField(f => f.AgeBand)
var yearFacetItems = queryResults.FacetItems<FacetItem>(p => p.AgeBand);
foreach (var item in yearFacetItems)
var termItem = item as TermItem;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} ({1})", termItem.Term, termItem.Count));
public static string GetAgeBand()
Random rnd = new Random();
var age = rnd.Next(18, 50);
if (Between(age, 18, 25))
return "Between 18 and 25";
else if (Between(age, 26, 35))
return "Between 26 and 35";
return "Greater then 35";
public static bool Between(int num, int lower, int upper)
return lower <= num && num <= upper;
[ElasticType(Name = "Customer", IdProperty = "id")]
public class Customer
public int Id
public string Name
[ElasticProperty(Index = FieldIndexOption.not_analyzed)]
public string AgeBand
with Elasticsearch1.0
since it introduced a lot of breaking changes NEST0.12
can not accomodate please use the 1.0 beta elasticsearch.org/blog/… – Martijn Laarman