I'm working with a dataset where employee utilization is calculated as (Time Billed to X/Standard Billable hours). As such, to get the total billable percentage for an employee, I can just sum up the percentages billed to each client. However, I also want to be able to see the percentage of time billed by department.
I've currently got my data in a matrix with row groups Department-->Employee-->Client with 1 column group of "time sheet ending date". When I toggle the visibility of the client row group based on the employee row group, I get the correct totals at the client and the employee level. However, when I toggle the visibility of the employee row group based on the department row group, the department row group has the wrong totals. For example, if Department A has employee B with 90% utilization and employee C with 95% utilization, the toggled total at the department level is 185%....However, I am expecting to see 92.5%....any ideas????