I have a report table in SSRS 2005. It looks like this:
Group Header Row
Group Detail Rows
Group Footer Row
The groups are displayed based on a report parameter called GroupBy. If this parameter is null, then there is no grouping. So, the Visibility.Hidden property expression is set to =Parameters!GroupBy.Value is Nothing
for the header and footer. The visibility of the detail row is set to =Not(Parameters!GroupBy.Value is Nothing)
When rendering the report with GroupBy = null
, the report hides the header and footer and displays all the detail rows. This means the toggle is hidden and it just looks like a normal, group-less report.
In SSRS 2008, this little trick no longer works. If the group header is hidden, then the details rows are also hidden.
Any ideas on how to hack this functionality into SSRS 2008?