
I have a report showing location, department and employee name & salary. All of the fields are from same table. I group on location first and then on department. All the groups have group headers. Detail row has employee name & salary.

My report is showing perfect but I want to implement drill down technique. I want to show plus minus symbol for the group. When opened the report should show only location names with plus signs. Then when a user clicks on a plus sign then all departments will show under that location. And when the user clicks on department plus sign then all employee details should show under that department.

I searched google and follow links are




I followed their instructions to build expand collapse functionality into my report but failed. Please guide me how to show report location & department wise with expand collapse functionality.

Why didn't those instructions work? What error do you see?Jamie F

2 Answers


Please follow these steps

  1. In your report, under the Row groups Section , Right Click Details Group - > Add Group - > Parent Group -> Choose Location and include Group Header
  2. Now delete the actual Location Column
  3. Now again under the Row groups Section, Right Click Location Group - > Add Group - > Child Group -> Choose Department and include Group Header
  4. Now delete the actual Department Column.
  5. Under the Row groups Section, Right Click Details Group - > Group Properties -> Go to Visibility - > Select Hide for "When the report is initially run" and Click the Check box that says "Display can be toggled by this report item and choose "Department1 (Default name for the Department group TextBox, you an change it) as the option"
  6. Under the Row groups Section, Right Click Department Group - > Group Properties -> Go to Visibility - > Select Hide for "When the report is initially run" and Click the Check box that says "Display can be toggled by this report item and choose "Location1 (Default name for the Location group textBox) as the option"
  7. Preview your report and it should work fine.

Select the textbox that houses the values which you are grouping by. Set the property of that group box's initial Toggle State to True.