Hullo, i ve got some c procedure :
inline float intersectRaySphere(float3* rayO, float3* rayV, float3* sO, float sR)
static float3 Q;
Q = sub(sO,rayO);
float cc = dot(&Q,&Q);
float v = dot(&Q,rayV);
float d = sR*sR - (cc - v*v);
// If there was no intersection, return -1
if (d < 0.0) return (-1.0f);
// Return the distance to the [first] intersecting point
return (v - sqrt(d));
I was trying to rewrite it in x86 fpu asm and create such one
_asm_intersectRaySphere:; Function begin
push ebp ; 0000 _ 55
mov ebp, esp ; 0001 _ 89. E5
add esp, -20 ; 0003 _ 83. C4, EC
mov eax, dword [ebp+8H] ; 0006 _ 8B. 45, 08
mov ecx, dword [ebp+0CH] ; 0009 _ 8B. 4D, 0C
mov edx, dword [ebp+10H] ; 000C _ 8B. 55, 10
fld dword [edx] ; 000F _ D9. 02
fsub dword [eax] ; 0011 _ D8. 20
fld dword [edx+4H] ; 0013 _ D9. 42, 04
fsub dword [eax+4H] ; 0016 _ D8. 60, 04
fld dword [edx+8H] ; 0019 _ D9. 42, 08
fsub dword [eax+8H] ; 001C _ D8. 60, 08
fld st2 ; 001F _ D9. C2
fmul st0, st(0) ; 0021 _ DC. C8
fld st2 ; 0023 _ D9. C2
fmul st0, st(0) ; 0025 _ DC. C8
fld st2 ; 0027 _ D9. C2
fmul st0, st(0) ; 0029 _ DC. C8
faddp st1, st(0) ; 002B _ DE. C1
faddp st1, st(0) ; 002D _ DE. C1
fld dword [ecx] ; 002F _ D9. 01
fmul st(0), st4 ; 0031 _ D8. CC
fld dword [ecx+4H] ; 0033 _ D9. 41, 04
fmul st(0), st4 ; 0036 _ D8. CC
fld dword [ecx+8H] ; 0038 _ D9. 41, 08
fmul st(0), st4 ; 003B _ D8. CC
faddp st1, st(0) ; 003D _ DE. C1
faddp st1, st(0) ; 003F _ DE. C1
fst dword [ebp-4H] ; 0041 _ D9. 55, FC
fmul st0, st(0) ; 0044 _ DC. C8
fld dword [ebp+14H] ; 0046 _ D9. 45, 14
fmul st0, st(0) ; 0049 _ DC. C8
faddp st1, st(0) ; 004B _ DE. C1
fsubrp st1, st(0) ; 004D _ DE. E1
fxch st3 ; 004F _ D9. CB
fstp st0 ; 0051 _ DD. D8
fstp st0 ; 0053 _ DD. D8
fstp st0 ; 0055 _ DD. D8
ftst ; 0057 _ D9. E4
fwait ; 0059 _ 9B
fnstsw ax ; 005A _ DF. E0
fwait ; 005C _ 9B
sahf ; 005D _ 9E
jc ?_001 ; 005E _ 72, 07
fsqrt ; 0060 _ D9. FA
fsubr dword [ebp-4H] ; 0062 _ D8. 6D, FC
jmp ?_002 ; 0065 _ EB, 06
fstp st0 ; 0067 _ DD. D8
fld1 ; 0069 _ D9. E8
fchs ; 006B _ D9. E0
mov esp, ebp ; 006D _ 89. EC
pop ebp ; 006F _ 5D
ret ; 0070 _ C3
; _asm_intersectRaySphere End of function
tested, and it is working ok, c routine takes about 150 cycles (on my 6 or 7 years old old pentium 4), my asm routine takes about 66 cycles (*) - so it is good improvement, but maybe it can be also yet improved a little ?
(*) i was testing with not much care, on random input data so possibly it was a 'non intersection' cause - with no sqrt involved