Following the recommendation is good. By default, it doesn't appear that the autoloader is set up to look in the recommended paths by default even though the manual page you referenced states:
controllers/helpers/: These directories will contain action helpers.
Action helpers will be namespaced either as "Controller_Helper_" for
the default module or "_Controller_Helper" in other modules.
To get around it, just hint to the HelperBroker the additional paths to look in by adding this to your Bootstrap.php
// for default module in a non-modular structure
APPLICATION_PATH . '/controllers/helpers',
// for default module if using modular structure
APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/controllers/helpers',
// for "Admin" module when using a modular structure
APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/admin/controllers/helpers',
Also note, for the autoloader to work correctly, you should name your class Controller_Helper_RedirectLogin
rather than Controllers_Helpers_RedirectLogin
. Usually autoloaded classes drop the plurals (e.g. models/User.php
maps to class Model_User
EDIT: You can also tell the helper broker about the helper paths in the application.ini
file as well. Example:
; non-modular structure
resources.frontController.actionHelperPaths.Controller_Helper = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers/helpers"
; "admin" module in a modular structure
resources.frontController.actionHelperPaths.Admin_Controller_Helper = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules/admin/controllers/helpers"