I have written a custom ACL class as an Action Helper. The class name is Controller_Helper_Acl, and is located in the file applications/controllers/helpers/acl.php. My problem is that my application is having difficulty locating the file.
I want to use the Action Helper Event Hooks, so I need to instantiate the class early. In my bootstrap.php I tried the Helper Broker's addPath() method, but that doesn't work when I use the new keyword. (Presumaly it just tells the broker where to find the files when the class is called on demand).
If I put a require_once in the bootstrap, then use the new keyword to instantiate Controllers_Helpers_Acl, it works fine, but I don't think this is a workable solution (since I will have many Action Helpers in the directory).
I tried adding a path to the Autoloader with $loader->registerNamespace('Controllers_Helpers_'), and pluralizing the class name, however file is still not found. (Perhaps I have the wrong syntax?)
How do others solve this problem? I suspect that it's my inexperience with Autoloader that's the real problem.