I have the following code for generating a list of the next 12 months (inclusive), starting from today's date:
function DateUtilFunctions() {
var self = this;
var monthNames = new Array();
monthNames[0] = "January";
monthNames[1] = "February";
monthNames[2] = "March";
monthNames[3] = "April";
monthNames[4] = "May";
monthNames[5] = "June";
monthNames[6] = "July";
monthNames[7] = "August";
monthNames[8] = "September";
monthNames[9] = "October";
monthNames[10] = "November";
monthNames[11] = "December";
self.getNext12MonthNamesWithYear = function () {
var months = new Array();
var today = new Date(Date());
var loopDate = new Date();
var todayPlus12Months = new Date(today.setMonth(today.getMonth() + 12));
while (loopDate.valueOf() < todayPlus12Months.valueOf()) {
var month = monthNames[loopDate.getMonth()];
months.push(month + ' ' + loopDate.getFullYear());
loopDate.setMonth(loopDate.getMonth() + 1);
return months;
The result of calling getNext12MonthNamesWithYear()
- "May 2012"
- "July 2012"
- "August 2012"
- "May 2012"
- "July 2012"
- "August 2012"
- "September 2012"
- "October 2012"
- "November 2012"
- "December 2012"
- "January 2013"
- "February 2013"
- "March 2013"
- "April 2013"
- "May 2013"
As you can, the start of the list is a bit weird, in that "June" is missing, plus "May", "July" and "August" appear twice.
Naturally I;m doing something very wrong here; could someone please help me out?
Based on micadelli's comment, here is the solution I used:
function DateUtilFunctions() {
var self = this;
var monthNames = new Array();
monthNames[0] = "January";
monthNames[1] = "February";
monthNames[2] = "March";
monthNames[3] = "April";
monthNames[4] = "May";
monthNames[5] = "June";
monthNames[6] = "July";
monthNames[7] = "August";
monthNames[8] = "September";
monthNames[9] = "October";
monthNames[10] = "November";
monthNames[11] = "December";
self.getNext12MonthNamesWithYear = function () {
var months = new Array();
var today = new Date();
var tmpDate = new Date();
var tmpYear = tmpDate.getFullYear();
var tmpMonth = tmpDate.getMonth();
var monthLiteral;
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
tmpDate.setMonth(tmpMonth + i);
monthLiteral = monthNames[tmpMonth];
months.push(monthLiteral + ' ' + tmpYear);
tmpYear = (tmpMonth == 11) ? tmpYear + 1 : tmpYear;
tmpMonth = (tmpMonth == 11) ? 0 : tmpMonth + 1;
return months;