
I have two modules

  1. counter: Output is a vector called error_count.
  2. lcd: Module to display the code on an LCD. Input includes clock and error_count.

Following snippet of the code is most relevant and attached below:

  1. Top level module:

    counter counter1 (..., error_count);
    lcd lcd1 (..., error_count);
  2. counter module:

    module counter (..., error_count);
    output reg [31:0] error_count = 0;
    ... //Update counter every clock cycle
  3. lcd module:

    module lcd (..., error_count);
    input [31:0] error_count;
    ... //error_count used to display on LCD

What is wrong with this code? The display just prints 0 as the output. Is there anything wrong with the way I am passing the the vector?

Additional Info: I am using the Xilinx Spartan 3E starter kit for testing this code. The LCD code is fine and I have tested it with local counter (which was reg[31:0]).


1 Answers


You need to declare 32-bit wire within the top-level module to connect the two ports.

wire [31:0] error_count;

If you leave this out, an implicit net is declared which is only a 1-bit wire and will not connect the vectors properly.

This mistake is a classic Verilog gotcha. The presentation here has a good explanation of this one and others:
