When I try to use 2 optional variables in Symfony2 routing I have th error: No route found for "GET /" In routing.yml I have:
pattern: /{page}/{ads_on_page}/
defaults: { _controller: AcmeAshavatBundle:Page:index, page:1, ads_on_page:2 }
_method: GET|POST
And when i go to http://localhost:8080/AshavatSy/web/app_dev.php/
I have the error. The intresting is that if I run http://localhost:8080/AshavatSy/web/app_dev.php/1
it works well.Also, if I change the path to pattern: /main/{page}/{ads_on_page}/ it works well.
What is the problem?
I'd like to ask, that someone will try to do like this [e.g. pattern: /a/b/ defaults: {... a:1,b:2}, or as he thinks you should do it] in his project, and see is it a common problem...