I'm trying to create dynamic routes as I have created a CMS where each page created can be associated to a route. I'm using the example from this link - http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2012/01/symfony2-dynamically-add-routes/ and all works fine, however the routing is cached, therefore one route will work but then the next won't unless I clear the cache. Is it possible to remove just the routing cache at this stage or is there another alternative? I don't want to remove the whole cache directory on each page load as that wouldn't make sense. Here is the example code:
namespace Acme\RoutingBundle\Routing;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderResolver;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
class ExtraLoader implements LoaderInterface
private $loaded = false;
public function load($resource, $type = null)
if (true === $this->loaded) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Do not add this loader twice');
$routes = new RouteCollection();
$pattern = '/extra';
$defaults = array(
'_controller' => 'AcmeRoutingBundle:Demo:extraRoute',
$route = new Route($pattern, $defaults);
$routes->add('extraRoute', $route);
return $routes;
public function supports($resource, $type = null)
return 'extra' === $type;
public function getResolver()
public function setResolver(LoaderResolver $resolver)
// irrelevant to us, since we don't need a resolver
Then I've made a service for the ExtraLoader:
<!-- in /src/Acme/RoutingBundle/Resources/config/services.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services/services-1.0.xsd">
<service id="acme.routing_loader" class="Acme\RoutingBundle\Routing\ExtraLoader">
<tag name="routing.loader"></tag>
The last thing we need, is a few extra lines in /app/config/routing.yml:
resource: .
type: extra