
I'm trying to start a new project with symfony 2 but I've some problem.

When i'm going to /web/app_dev.php I've this error :

InvalidArgumentException: [WARNING 1549] failed to load external entity 
(in n/a - line 0, column 0)
[WARNING 3084] Element '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}import': 
Failed to locate a schema at location 
Skipping the import. (in in_memory_buffer - line 8, column 0)
[ERROR 1845] Element '{http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services}container': 
No matching global declaration available for the validation root. (in //INFO/WWW/perso/2011-2012/gdesbiey/Musique/vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/config/web.xml - line 5, column 0)

How do I resolve this problem?

Would you mind adding what you did (like is this the standard installation, with or without vendors, what did you change) as well as your setup (windows/linux, which webserver)? If you got any other information (webserver logs, symfony logs), please provide them as well.Sgoettschkes
it's the standard installation with vendors. The system is : Windows NT INFO-TIMIDE 6.1 build 7601 (Unknow Windows version Standard Edition Service Pack 1) i586 . All details about phpinfo() are on : info-timide.iut.u-bordeaux1.fr/2011-2012/gdesbiey/Musique THanksguillaume
Does the installation pass all criteria on the check page located at http://localhost/Symfony/web/config.php (or whichever path will take you to web/config.php for your setup).Kasheen
Only 1 major problem : "Set the "date.timezone" setting in php.ini* (like Europe/Paris). "guillaume

2 Answers


You probably should clear symfony's cache, even manually, because it keeps sometimes references to resources you might have set in your config files in the past. I had the same kind of error for a translation yaml file which had been deleted, and that solved my problem.

php app/console cache:clear --no-debug

rm -Rf app/cache/*
rm -RF app/logs/*

You'll may have to set up permissions on these folders. There's a note explaining how to do that in Installing and Configuring Symfony.


The xsd file cannot be written to disk .. it is likely a mish-mash of backwards ("\") and forwards ("/") slashes along with file handlers/streams beginning with "file://" and mixing the drive in "C:\" and then things being str_replace()'ed with useless nonsense like more slashes.

Take a look at your path:


Open this up in a shell/console and dir yourself to the end of the file path.