
In symfony2 routing.yml I am trying to create a route with optional parameters like this:


So, an example that would work is:


My route is:

    pattern:   /api/test/type/{typeValue}/page/{page}
    defaults: { _controller: TestCoreBundle:Json:test, page:1 }    

This is fine but i want to have /type/{typeValue} and /page/{page} optional so it works also for urls like this:


My other routes will also contain more complicated optional parameters so it is important for me to solve this problem. What do I need to do so that I dont need to create separate routes so it supports every single combination?


2 Answers


Dynamic routing params still need to be filled or defaulted, I would recommend passing these as options then append to a query string such as ?page=1&myType=blah and use $request->get() in your controller, base class.


As explained on the symfony page everything after an optional placeholder has to be optional too.

Of course, you can have more than one optional placeholder (e.g. /blog/{slug}/{page}), but everything after an optional placeholder must be optional. For example, /{page}/blog is a valid path, but page will always be required (i.e. simply /blog will not match this route).

In your case {typeValue} is optional but followed by /page/ which is not optional, so this rout will never work with both parameters optional. You can either use query strings or change your route to something like

    pattern:   /api/test/{typeValue}/{page}
    defaults: { _controller: TestCoreBundle:Json:test, typeValue: 'default', page: 1 }
        page:  \d+

You will then be able to use routes


But even then route /app/test/3 is not possible, since symfony will interpret this as $typeValue = 3 and $page as default.