After Googling a lot and not satisfied with the majority of solutions presented, I have just found an amazing/generic solution that uses T4 templates. The complete post by Jochen van Wylick you can read here:
Using T4 for localizing JavaScript resources based on .resx files
Main advantages are:
- Having only 1 place where resources are managed ( namely the .resx
files )
- Support for multiple cultures
- Leverage IntelliSense - allow for code completion
The shortcomings of this solution are of course that the size of the
.js file might become quite large. However, since it's cached by the
browser, we don't consider this a problem for our application. However
- this caching can also result in the browser not finding the resource called from code.
How this works?
Basically he defined a T4 template that points to your .resx files. With some C# code he traverses each and every resource string and add it to JavaScript pure key value properties that then are output in a single JavaScript file called Resources.js
(you can tweak the names if you wish).
T4 template [ change accordingly to point to your .resx files location ]
<#@ template language="C#" debug="false" hostspecific="true"#>
<#@ assembly name="System.Windows.Forms" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Resources" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>
<#@ output extension=".js"#>
var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Host.TemplateFile) + "/../App_GlobalResources/";
var resourceNames = new string[1]
* Resources
* ---------
* This file is auto-generated by a tool
* 2012 Jochen van Wylick
var Resources = {
<# foreach (var name in resourceNames) { #>
<#=name #>: {},
<# } #>
<# foreach (var name in resourceNames) {
var nlFile = Host.ResolvePath(path + name + ".nl.resx" );
var enFile = Host.ResolvePath(path + name + ".resx" );
ResXResourceSet nlResxSet = new ResXResourceSet(nlFile);
ResXResourceSet enResxSet = new ResXResourceSet(enFile);
<# foreach (DictionaryEntry item in nlResxSet) { #>
Resources.<#=name#>.<#=item.Key.ToString()#> = {
'nl-NL': '<#= ("" + item.Value).Replace("\r\n", string.Empty).Replace("'","\\'")#>',
'en-GB': '<#= ("" + enResxSet.GetString(item.Key.ToString())).Replace("\r\n", string.Empty).Replace("'","\\'")#>'
<# } #>
<# } #>
In the Form/View side
To have the correct translation picked up, add this in your master if you're using WebForms:
<script type="text/javascript">
var locale = '<%= System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name %>';
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/Resources.js"></script>
If you're using ASP.NET MVC (like me), you can do this:
<script type="text/javascript">
// Setting Locale that will be used by JavaScript translations
var locale = $("meta[name='accept-language']").attr("content");
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/Resources.js"></script>
The MetaAcceptLanguage
helper I got from this awesome post by Scott Hanselman:
Globalization, Internationalization and Localization in ASP.NET MVC 3, JavaScript and jQuery - Part 1
public static IHtmlString MetaAcceptLanguage<T>(this HtmlHelper<T> html)
var acceptLanguage =
return new HtmlString(
String.Format("<meta name=\"{0}\" content=\"{1}\">", "accept-language",
Use it
var msg = Resources.Common.Greeting[locale];