I wrote a small Google Apps Script to send out personalized e-mails (conference invitations) individually to recipients (i.e. one recipient per e-mail). As a workaround to the issue of e-mails sent using GmailApp.sendEmail
not showing up in the Sent Mail folder, I have one script send the e-mails to itself (i.e. the sender and recipient are the same), then another script to forward those to the appropriate recipients. There are only about 100 (maybe less) verified recipients, but I'm concerned that sending out the e-mails as fast as the script executes might get them flagged as spam due to the rate at which they are being sent. My questions are the following:
If a Google Apps Script accesses a Gmail account to send and forward e-mails using
, does it incur a sending rate limit (e.g. in e-mails/second, kB/second, etc.)?Which quota applies to said script? Is it Gmail's 500/day or Google Apps' 100/day?
P.S. I found this discussion about quotas, but I'm not sure if my case falls under either of the scenarios described therein.