
I have a view on a Xpage called Main.xsp which needs to open documents in read mode on a different xpage called Contact.xsp. I get the documents to open as they should, since it's very simple and basic. But somehow the SetDocumentMode doesn't work!? I have a button, when clicked it should set the document mode to Edit. I've tried using the simple actions from the menu, i've tried all of the examples here http://xpageswiki.com/web/youatnotes/wiki-xpages.nsf/dx/Work_with_documents_and_fields_on_the_XPage#Check+for+edit+mode+and+set+edit+mode What the hell am i doing wrong here? Thank you in advance!

Also, even though the url is docID&action=editDocument the document is not editable.


This is weird... I was triple-checking my ACL. And tried changing Anonymous access to Editor, and now it works!? I switch it back to Author with all the available options checked and it doesn't work!?

Is this some kind of bug?

Does the document contain reader/author fields?jjtbsomhorst
Thanks for replying, and no it doesn't. Since you mentioned that, I also have Author rights to Anonymous in ACL.gkidd

1 Answers


Author rights for Anonymous does give Anonymous the ability to create a document (if that box is ticked) - but NOT the ability to EDIT any document. UNLESS you have a field of type Author that has "Anonymous" as one value (or a role that you assigned to Anonymous".

The definition of AUTHOR access:

  • Can create documents (if "create documents" is checked)
  • can edit any document where an AUTHOR field contains the user's name, a group or role (s)he is member of.

Explanation here: http://www.wissel.net/blog/d6plinks/SHWL-89PMVR (and basics before here: http://www.wissel.net/blog/d6plinks/SHWL-89N7XR )