I am trying to learn GNU autotools, and I am following some tutorials, I tried doing step by step from:
but I have one question, at page 8 there is manually written Makefile.in and one line:
in my generated makefile I get
but when I do
@echo $(exec_prefix)
it seems that this variable is empty, so everything I would
make install
would go to /bin, which is a bit strange, why it isn't set as /usr/bin, should I issue some arguments to autoconf?
Also in this .pdf file it is written that:
bindir is an output variable of AC INIT which also detects includedir, srcdir, libdir, and others.
is is true? Because in this example of autoconf.am it is:
AC_INIT(helloworld, 0.0.1, [email protected])
so this simple macro does all of this? If yes, how?