So. Without posting a ton of code. Basically what I'm doing is having a few sound's imported into my fla file in flash cs5 using ActionScript3.
I have a soundchannels created and the instances of the sounds created in a main class.
In the constructor function I have the first scene created with addChild. I also initialize a background music sound through a soundchannel.
The problem is, I want a sound effect to play on frame 40 of that first scene. If I just put the sound into the timeline it plays, but after the scene is removed for scene 2 to be inserted, that sound effect continues to play. I've also tried to use actionscript on frame 40 to play the sound, but that also loops after removeChild.
What is the right way to do this? I'd prefer to keep all the code in the main class, but if I have to add the script into the individual scenes I'm up for it. JUST WISH I COULD GET THE SOUND TO STOP LOOPING!!!