I hava a .fla file with 2 scenes, on the first scene i have a song playing in the back which stops whenever an user presses a button(btnP). The button takes the user to another scene(Scene2).
The first scene works fine and when the program goes to the other Scene the music stops. But, i want a different sound on Scene2. If i try to use the same technique on Scene2, nothing happpens. Both my sound files are imported to the library.
Heres my code for Scene1 (This works).
import flash.media.Sound;
import flash.media.SoundMixer;
btnP.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, petterVelg);
var snd:Sound =
new Sound(new URLRequest("lifted.mp3"));
function petterVelg(e:MouseEvent){
gotoAndPlay(1, "Scene 2");
Here is mye code for Scene 2( This does not play any audio at all.... )
import flash.media.Sound;
var snd2:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("drikke.mp3"));