I need to allow a set of users to have access to just one node in the content tree and just one workflow. To then it should look as if the Sitecore server only contains that one website.
It looks as if the "everyone" role having read permission all through the tree is forcing me to explicitly deny write access on the other nodes in the content tree and the other workflows.
However, if I do that the explicit denial carries to the other users through inheritance.
I have roles like this:
- First Site Editor
- All workflows denied but one
- All content nodes denied but one
- Second Site Editor
- All workflows denied but one
- All content nodes denied but one
- Super Awesome Role
- Contains "First Site Editor" role to gain it's rights.
- Contains "First Site Editor" role to gain it's rights.
What do I do? Am I forced to edit the "Everyone" role? I'd prefer not to since I would be compelled to do a ton of testing to make sure my edits did not affect another group unintentionally.