
I want to test out the Sample Workflow in Sitecore 8. This is what I have done so far:

  • Insert the sample workflow in the standard values of the template
  • Created two test users: Test Editor and Test Approver
  • Created two roles: SubmitionRole and ApprovalRole
  • In Security Editor I assigned Read, Write access including the 3 workflow rights to the Draft state for the SubmitionRole role and assigned this role to Test Editor
  • In Security Editor I assigned Read, Write access including the 3 workflow rights to Awaiting Approval and and Approved states for the ApprovalRole role and assigned this role to Test Approver

Then I created an item from that template with the Test Editor and the item went into the Draft state. So I submitted the item in the Workbox.

Now when I log in with the Test Approver, there's nothing in the Workbox. I can see the Workflow and its Approval State in the Workbox, but there's nothing inside it. As admin I can see the item waiting in the Approval state.

Here is a screenshot of the Access Viewer for the Test Approver: enter image description here

What am I missing here?

Do both users have read/write access to the item itself, i.e. under /sitecore/content/home ? What about languages under /sitecore/system/Languages, do they have Language Read/Write access set (you need to show these fields from using the "Columns" option)jammykam
After granting language read/write, the Approver can see the item in the Approval State. Thanks a lot!SpaceJump

2 Answers


Ensure that your user/role has language read and write access to the relevant item languages located under /sitecore/system/Language. The Language Read and Language Write are a separate set of fields which you can expose in the Security Editor by selecting them from the "Columns" option. The content approval role needs both Language Read and Language Write on the relevant language items:

enter image description here


You don't need to assign Write access to the workflow state items (Awaiting Approval and Approved). This means that ApprovalRole is allowed to edit those items, not items in that state.

What you need to set is:

  • Workflow State Write for the Awaiting Approval state (controls whether or not a user can update items which are currently associated with a specific workflow state)
  • Workflow Command Execute for the commands below Awaiting Approval state which should be allowed for the role (controls whether or not a user is shown specific workflow commands)
  • Write access to the item itself (the one that was submitted from the Draft state to the Awaiting Approval state).

And that should be it. .