I've been trying to wrap my head around this, and I haven't found any good explanation in the docs or the forum or here, so here goes:
Can I combine CCSpriteBatchNode with CCAnimations? If so, how? Can you give a code example?
I understand that a CCAnimation could be defined with frames coming from several different cached textures (CCTexture2D / CCTextureCache), but a CCSpriteBatchNode must only refer to exactly one texture.
I guess this amounts to several separate sub-questions:
Can I animate a Sprite I have handed as child to a CCSpriteBatchNode with a CCAnimation? Will that still give me the Batch speed advantage? And will an error occur if the CCAnimation refers to frames on separate textures?
In theory , I could define an animation with frames from different textures, hence they would have to be from different CCSpriteBatchNodes, correct? Or is that impossible?
Can I have several different sprites on one CCSpriteBatchNode, each calling up CCAnimations whose frames are defined on that Batch node, all from the same CCSpriteBatchNode's Texture?
Thanks to anybody who can spend a minute to explain this to me!