
When I'm building my Xcode 4 apps I'm getting this warning:

ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/frenck/Downloads/apz/../../../Downloads/Google Analytics SDK/Library'
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/frenck/Downloads/apz/../Google Analytics SDK/Library'

But I do not have Google Analytics in my app, I deleted all of it how can I remove the error? And archiving an app gives me the error:

clang: error: no such file or directory: 'armv6'
Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1

I've tried so many things but I'm still getting this error when I'm trying to make an .IPA file

Note that there is a very similar warning, but with -F rather than -L: directory not found for option '-F/.... See @macayer's answer below for the difference.pkamb
Note: Make sure directories with spaces are quoted. eg $(PROJECT_DIR)/my folder should be`"$(PROJECT_DIR)/my folder"Jacksonkr
I ran into this issue when my class did not have the proper target membership specified.Tom Howard
@Jackson That fixed it for me. I had the -F warning, and I fixed it by quoting as you instructed in the 'Framework Search Paths' in Build Settings. ThanksMark
Regular backup is best practice.Gajendra K Chauhan

30 Answers


You need to do this:

  1. Click on your project (targets)
  2. Click on Build Settings
    • if your error includes the -L flag, then delete the values in Library Search Paths
    • if your error includes the -F flag, then delete the values in Framework Search Paths

And regarding the second error, sorry i can't help you out with that one. Hope someone else can help you out.


There are two errors that people seem to be confusing.

If it is a "directory not found for option '-L/..." error, that means it's a Library Error, and you should try to:

  • Click on your project (targets)
  • Click on Build Settings
  • Under Library Search Paths, delete the paths

If it is a "directory not found for option '-F/...", that means it's a Framework Error, and you should try to:

  • Click on your project (targets)
  • Click on Build Settings
  • Under Framework Search Paths, delete the paths

This might happen when you move the referenced file around.


My problem was that I opened the original .xcodeproj instead of the .xcworkspace that was generated by CocoaPods.


I had to remove the references at:

  • Target
  • Build Settings
  • Framework Search Paths

enter image description here

Then the build was broken (expected). So I removed the Framework (FB SDK), re-added it and voila. No more errors or warnings. :)


I use cocoa pods so for me, I quit Xcode and ran

pod install

again and reopened the project. This fixed everything!


For me the problem was a missing escape "\" character.

My search paths were broken up on several lines in the Library Search Paths. Conveniently, they were breaking at spaces in my path. Adding the escape "\" fixed it for me.

$(PROJECT_DIR)/My\ Project\ Name/My\ Directory

I found the reference which I had to remove at:

  • Target
  • Build Settings
  • Header Search Paths

In my case the problem was Framework Search paths that had incomplete, dead, old links or multiple frameworks of same type. Remove them and your project will compile without any problem.

be sure to do Build -> clean

enter image description here


I ran into the same problem (the first one) after an Xcode crash and none of the solutions proposed worked. To suppress the warning I have done:

• manage schemes...

• deleted the current scheme

• Autocrate Schemes Now


This is what worked for me:

  1. Click on Project
  2. Click on Build Settings
  3. Search for "Framework Search Paths"
  4. Clear the path and type "$(inherited)"

I got bit by what appears to be the same issue too (this time in XCode 5.0.2). In my case, what happened was XCode decided to escape the quotes already in the "Build Settings". So for example:




which caused the build to fail...

Once I removed the escapes on the quotes everything worked fine again. In addition, it would probably be best to remove the quotes altogether unless you need them.


If this happens after you've added a Podfile to your project and run pod install, go to your project folder, you'll see a new file that has been created "{ProjectName}.xcworkspace" -- open that file in xcode

The pods that have been installed will be properly linked to your project in this file


Follow this step-by-step solution:

  1. Click on your project (targets);
  2. Click on Build Settings;
  3. Under Library Search Paths, delete the paths;
  4. Add ./** on Library Search Paths.

Supplemental answer

All the answers said to either delete the Framework or Library search paths from the target. I had two problems:

  • First, I was looking at my main project target rather than the Unit Test target.
  • Second, I couldn't figure out how to delete the framework search path. It turned out that it was just clicking it to get in edit mode and then just deleting the string.

For me the problem seemed to be that I hadn't included the appropriate frameworks (when copying addons from another project I didn't copy the frameworks files as well)


The key for this type of error is to go into build settings and look at each of the search paths sections such as Library Search Paths, Framework Search Paths and possibly even Header Search Paths and clear out any of the paths that no longer apply that your app is having a hard time trying to find. Remove them and carry on good sir


go check out which framework is missing , then go to

=> Build Phases => Link Binary With Libraries

remove the library and then add back


I had a similar problem that went away when I created a new scheme and used it to rebuild???


For me I have also Tests enabled. The search path for tests was also filled incorrect.

Clear the Framework Search Path for both the regular code and the test code!


Because of the custom directories that have entered to the search paths ( frameworks and library ), the project overrides pod's directories. so it can't find it.

To solve this problem, delete all custom directories from

Search Paths -> Library Paths and Framework Paths,

only see ${inherited}.

I hope this helps. It worked for me.


If you installed any new pod and then got this error, just quit the xcode > open again > build the project


enter image description here

Add $(inherited) -Objc -lcrypto - lssl in Project -> Build Setting -> Search path -> Library Search Path


If this happens after a pod install with some dependencies, the problem might be you are using the old version of the app(.xcworkspace) on Xcode.

After a pod install, this is the output you may see.

The output of a pod install.

Output of a pod install

Do exactly that, close your current Xcode window and open the new .xcworkspace.

Opening the new xcworkspace]

Opening the new xcworkspace


there might be a mismatch in deployment targets. pods are installed for 11.0 and the Xcode is searching in 10.0 folders


you should check option for this:

Build Settings-> Framework Search Paths-> {input Your Project Path}


I've looked into all [Library Search Paths - Framework Search Paths - Header Search Paths]. but there are no paths to remove, so I was able to make this alert go away by going into the Xcode bundle and creating an empty directory at the path location that the alert was complaining about.


Make sure only 1 "libFlurry.a" selected in target

worked for me.

enter image description here


Do not forget to create the same configuration for Pod project in your workspace, If you change into MainApps new configuration.

For example,

In my case, to resolve this issue I had to create ReleaseOfficial configuration as well for Pod projects when I created ReleaseOfficial configuration for my MainApp.


If the typical solution doesn't resolve the issue, what fixed it for me was ensuring that all iOS versions in the xcode project (e.g. IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) / deployment targets, podfiles (if applicable), etc. are set to the same version number.


1- select your target

2- open build settings

3- search for "framework search paths"

4- delete all "framework search paths"

5- then install the pods again

6- add in the "framework search paths" $(inherited)

7- clear cmd + k

8- build cmd + b