I've got a question on Maven naming conventions (groupId, artifactId and directory names) in a multiple module project with a hierarchical directory structrure.
Before asking, I went through other the web on this topic and what I cleared out for myself:
Possible duplication for my question, but it does not cover multiple-hierarchy levels.
Guide to Naming Conventions provide examples:
groupId will identify your project uniquely across all projects, so we need to enforce a naming schema. It has to follow the package name rules (eg. org.apache.maven, org.apache.commons, org.apache.maven.plugins)
artifactId If you created it then you can choose whatever name you want with lowercase letters and no strange symbols. (eg. maven, commons-math)
This is quite straightforward and I understand it, but there are few things that are still unclear.
artifactId examples mentioned in conventions can be applied only to one-level hierarchy module.
I went through maven repositories and extracted some examples:
Spring mostly uses names: spring-core, spring-context, spring-context-support. All standalone modules are one-level hierarchy and spring- prefix for search efficiency. There are no problems, since hierarchy is not that deep.
Apache CXF namings are quite unconventional for Apache. Artifacts are standalone modules with up to 5 possible different artifacts in names eg. cxf-tools-wsdlto-databinding-jaxb.
There are lots of artifacts (cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb, cxf-rt-databinding-aegis, cxf-rt-databinding-xmlbeans, cxf-rt-databinding-sdo) which could be grouped in multiple module project (cxf-rt-databindings), but they didn't and so the names became spaghetti.
Finally, Maven Plugins is first a multiple module project (after org.apache.maven) which has artifacts like: maven-compiler-plugin, maven-enforcer-plugin.
There are quite a lot of examples and the all follow different conventions on naming artifactIds (consequently project directories).
Taking best practices from the examples let us review hierarchy levels.
One-level hierarchy naming would be (
groupId: org.organization.project
artifactId: project-portal ---.
project-portal-plugins (continued on next diagram)
(continued) two-level hierarchy would be:
groupId: org.organization.project.plugins
artifactId: project-portal-plugins ---.
???? (multiple module project)
You see question marks? Thats where the
I followed conventions from examples (ignoring spaghetti Apache CXF example):
- Root - project-portal (eg. spring-core, maven-core)
- First-level hierarchy names inherit from root - project-portal-plugins (eg. spring-context-support).
- Second-level hierarchy names - project-sample-plugin (eg. maven-compiler-plugin).
And now we are stuck on third-level, like in old games without saves and checkpoints.
- Is this the right directory naming path taken from Maven examples for deeper hierarchy levels?
- Are there any conventions or rules you follow to support simple directory and artifact names avoiding spaghetti names on deeper levels?
- If there are simple names, will groupId save duplicated artifact names (which will occur due to simplicity) from collisions in repository?
- What about searching and finding artifacts on web/repositories with duplicated names (due to simplicity)?
I don't want to see in my project structure a module like project-portal-liferay-plugins-themes for parent or even worse project-portal-liferay-plugins-themes-white-puppy-wtf-name for children.
If you could provide your opinion and practice for any of mentioned questions and possible problems, that would be a great help not only for me, but and for everyone using maven. Thank you.