
I am drawing a graph with around 5K nodes in it using networkX and matplotlib. The GTK window by matplotlib has tools to zoom and visualise the graph. Is there any way, I can save a magnified version for proper visualisation later?

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

pos=nx.spring_layout(G)   #G is my graph

plt.savefig("graph.png", dpi=500, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format=None,transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1) 
There should be a save button also.... or at least I'm sure that one of the front-ends has that (maybe Qt's?)...dsign
yes, there is a save button. But once you magnify a portion of the diagram and save it only saves the current viewing area. I want a view of the whole graph.Nihar Sarangi
Can't you just up the dpi so more detail is present in the saved image?Hooked
@JonathonReinhart Looks fine. That import tends to be assumed ;)tacaswell
@tcaswell I figured, I just haven't used either of these libraries much, and wanted to make sure. By the way, networkx... wow! Anyway, I'll delete my pointless comment now.Jonathon Reinhart

3 Answers


You have two easy options:

Up the DPI

plt.savefig("graph.png", dpi=1000)

(larger image file size)

Save as a PDF


This is the best option, as the final graph is not rasterized. In theory, you should be able to zoom in indefinitely.


While not in GTK, you might want to check out NetworkX Viewer.


You may want to check this out:


the quality is magnificent. although the dpi option is still alive.