
I am using the crsytal reports in VS2008. I want to be able to filter the dates in my crystal report viewer depending on the input of the user through a datetime picker. My problem is the date field itself in my database is in STRING format. -_- Whenever I compare values through code, I parse it to datetime.

How do I fix this? Is there any way I could do a parse of the report field? I don't want/can't change my database field into datetime because that would entail altering my whole system.

~ EDIT ~

Upon clicking the filter button I have a datetime picker named FromCreated_DTime. I parse its value into short date string (ex. 1/01/2011) and then assign it to my string parameter field. Using the Select Expert formula, I applied your code. My parameter field is named actualStart:

Date (ToNumber (Right ({Projects.Actual_StartDate}, 4)),
  ToNumber (Left ({Projects.Actual_StartDate}, InStr ({Projects.Actual_StartDate}, "/")-1)),
  ToNumber (Mid ({Projects.Actual_StartDate}, 
                 InStr ({Projects.Actual_StartDate}, "/")+1, 
                 InStrRev({Projects.Actual_StartDate},"/")-InStr({Projects.Actual_StartDate}, "/")-1))


Date (ToNumber (Right ({?actualStart}, 4)),
  ToNumber (Left ({?actualStart}, InStr ({?actualStart}, "/")-1)),
  ToNumber (Mid ({?actualStart}, 
                 InStr ({?actualStart}, "/")+1, 
                 InStrRev({?actualStart},"/")-InStr({?actualStart}, "/")-1))

this is my code upon filter button click

    private void Filter_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ReportDocument cryRpt = new ReportDocument();
        TableLogOnInfos crtableLogoninfos = new TableLogOnInfos();
        TableLogOnInfo crtableLogoninfo = new TableLogOnInfo();
        ConnectionInfo crConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();

        cryRpt.Load("D:\\MY_THESIS\\WORKING FILES\\WindowsFormsApplication2\\WindowsFormsApplication2\\Reports\\Crystal Reports\\UsersReport.rpt");
        crConnectionInfo.ServerName = "RITZEL-PC\\SQLEXPRESS";
        crConnectionInfo.UserID = "NNIT-Admin";
        crConnectionInfo.Password = "password";
        crConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "NNIT DB";

        Tables CrTables = cryRpt.Database.Tables;
        foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table CrTable in CrTables)
            crtableLogoninfo = CrTable.LogOnInfo;
            crtableLogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo;

        // Create parameter objects
        ParameterFields myParams = new ParameterFields();

        ParameterField myParam = new ParameterField();
        ParameterDiscreteValue myDiscreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
        myParam.ParameterFieldName = "actualStart";

        myDiscreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
        myDiscreteValue.Value = FromCreated_DTime.Value.ToShortDateString();

        crystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = myParams;
        crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cryRpt;
Why are you entering your actualStart parameter as a string? Why not enter it as a Crystal date parameter?user359040
@MarkBannister because if I change it into a date parameter I get an error in my formula editor saying a string is required here (highlighting actualStart). Btw, thanks for answering back. I really appreciate it :)Ritzel
Do you mean in the selection formula editor? If so, I meant to change the string parameter to a date parameter, and replace all of the >= Date (... expression with a simple >= {?actualStart}.user359040
@MarkBannister yes I get what you are trying to do. Converting the string to Date. That is why I made actualStart a string and also because its value will be a string value from the datetime picker. Did I understand you correctly?Ritzel
I think you have misunderstood me - the database field has to be converted to a date from a string, because it is not stored as a date in the database. Given that the actualStart parameter is part of the report, there is no reason to declare it as a string and then convert it to be a date, if it can be created as a date parameter in the first place. I have updated my answer accordingly. Also, did you notice the comment I left against my answer?user359040

4 Answers


Depends on the format of your date field in database . here is an example:

stringvar yyear; 
stringvar mmonth; 
stringvar dday; 

dday := {ORDERS.ORDER_DATE}[5 to 6]; 
mmonth := {ORDERS.ORDER_DATE}[3 to 4]; 
yyear := {ORDERS.ORDER_DATE}[1 to 2]; 

if yyear < "50" then 

Above code comes from: Convert date from string to date format


One point... if you are planning on using the date as a selection parameter (what you describe), if you use the method outlined, you will beat your database very unkindly. Not much of a problem in small databases (fewer records, smaller sized, etc.), but in a bigger database, you will run into problems. The method described basically PULLS BACK EVERY (qualifying) RECORD, DOES THE CONVERSION, THEN DECIDES WHETHER IT SHOULD BE KEPT OR DISCARDED. Those first 4(5) words should strike terror in your soul. It's still a good method for DISPLAYING dates, if needed, but not for using string dates for record selection.

What you CAN (should) do is to create date parameters, then convert those into a suitable string expression, and use that to search the database. You set the parameters once per report run. You would have brought back every record, converted, compared, discarded, etc. It makes my brain thrash just typing it. :-D

Hope that helped and please don't read any sarcasm in to anything, nothing but good will is intended.


UPDATED: Given a character string called Projects.Actual_StartDate, formatted as /-separated fields in Month-Day-Year order, with a four-digit year and one-or-two-digit day and month values, the following formula should convert the string to a date and compare it with a Crystal date parameter called {?actualStart}:

Date (ToNumber (Right (TrimRight ({Projects.Actual_StartDate}), 4)),
      ToNumber (Left ({Projects.Actual_StartDate}, InStr ({Projects.Actual_StartDate}, "/")-1)),
      ToNumber (Mid ({Projects.Actual_StartDate}, 
                     InStr ({Projects.Actual_StartDate}, "/")+1, 
                     InStrRev({Projects.Actual_StartDate},"/")-InStr({Projects.Actual_StartDate}, "/")-1))
 >= {?actualStart}

Example using SQL Expressions in Crystal -- depends upon data source wx the SQL Exp are enabled.

I am going to ASSuME that the field dates are in 10 chr strings, i.e "mm/dd/yyyy" I am going to ASSuME that your parameter is a string. Using Date Picker is more convenient. You can convert DP dates to strings. Using {?actualStart}, {Projects.Actual_StartDate}


Left( {?actualStart}, 2 )  > 
   Left( {Projects.Actual_StartDate}, 2 )


-- You can use SUBSTRING, but I'm being lazy.  
-- Time results for both and then decide

Right( Left( {?actualStart}, 5 ) , 2 )  > 
   Right( Left( {Projects.Actual_StartDate}, 5 ) , 2 )


Right( {?actualStart}, 4 )  >
   Right( {Projects.Actual_StartDate}, 4 )

Then, in Select Expert, you can include:

(The REST of your selection code)  
( {@SQLYear} AND {@SQLMonth} AND {@SQLDay} )

This would get pushed down to the server and reduce processing time, and return ONLY the records you want. **

** In theory... I haven't tested this, I did it from memory. :-)

Strangely enough, this would also be the code you would use if you used a SQL Command ( = "Crafting the SQL" programmaticly.*)

* OK, I tried several different (mis-)spellings of Programatically, and FF spell check didn't like n'aer a-one.