This answer is a bit longer and contains 3 sections: Benchmarks of existing solutions, why most solutions here are wrong, my solution.
The existing answers are only correct if Unicode Modifiers / grapheme clusters are ignored. I'll deal with that later, but first have a look at the speed of some reversal algorithms:
list_comprehension : min: 0.6μs, mean: 0.6μs, max: 2.2μs
reverse_func : min: 1.9μs, mean: 2.0μs, max: 7.9μs
reverse_reduce : min: 5.7μs, mean: 5.9μs, max: 10.2μs
reverse_loop : min: 3.0μs, mean: 3.1μs, max: 6.8μs
list_comprehension : min: 4.2μs, mean: 4.5μs, max: 31.7μs
reverse_func : min: 75.4μs, mean: 76.6μs, max: 109.5μs
reverse_reduce : min: 749.2μs, mean: 882.4μs, max: 2310.4μs
reverse_loop : min: 469.7μs, mean: 577.2μs, max: 1227.6μs
You can see that the time for the list comprehension (reversed = string[::-1]
) is in all cases by far the lowest (even after fixing my typo).
String Reversal
If you really want to reverse a string in the common sense, it is WAY more complicated. For example, take the following string (brown finger pointing left, yellow finger pointing up). Those are two graphemes, but 3 unicode code points. The additional one is a skin modifier.
example = "👈🏾👆"
But if you reverse it with any of the given methods, you get brown finger pointing up, yellow finger pointing left. The reason for this is that the "brown" color modifier is still in the middle and gets applied to whatever is before it. So we have
- U: finger pointing up
- M: brown modifier
- L: finger pointing left
original: LMU
reversed: UML (above solutions)
reversed: ULM (correct reversal)
Unicode Grapheme Clusters are a bit more complicated than just modifier code points. Luckily, there is a library for handling graphemes:
>>> import grapheme
>>> g = grapheme.graphemes("👈🏾👆")
>>> list(g)
['👈🏾', '👆']
and hence the correct answer would be
def reverse_graphemes(string):
g = list(grapheme.graphemes(string))
return ''.join(g[::-1])
which also is by far the slowest:
list_comprehension : min: 0.5μs, mean: 0.5μs, max: 2.1μs
reverse_func : min: 68.9μs, mean: 70.3μs, max: 111.4μs
reverse_reduce : min: 742.7μs, mean: 810.1μs, max: 1821.9μs
reverse_loop : min: 513.7μs, mean: 552.6μs, max: 1125.8μs
reverse_graphemes : min: 3882.4μs, mean: 4130.9μs, max: 6416.2μs
The Code
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import random
import timeit
from functools import reduce
def main():
longstring = ''.join(random.choices("ABCDEFGHIJKLM", k=2000))
functions = [(list_comprehension, 'list_comprehension', longstring),
(reverse_func, 'reverse_func', longstring),
(reverse_reduce, 'reverse_reduce', longstring),
(reverse_loop, 'reverse_loop', longstring)
duration_list = {}
for func, name, params in functions:
durations = timeit.repeat(lambda: func(params), repeat=100, number=3)
duration_list[name] = list(np.array(durations) * 1000)
print('{func:<20}: '
'min: {min:5.1f}μs, mean: {mean:5.1f}μs, max: {max:6.1f}μs'
min=min(durations) * 10**6,
mean=np.mean(durations) * 10**6,
max=max(durations) * 10**6,
create_boxplot('Reversing a string of length {}'.format(len(longstring)),
def list_comprehension(string):
return string[::-1]
def reverse_func(string):
return ''.join(reversed(string))
def reverse_reduce(string):
return reduce(lambda x, y: y + x, string)
def reverse_loop(string):
reversed_str = ""
for i in string:
reversed_str = i + reversed_str
return reversed_str
def create_boxplot(title, duration_list, showfliers=False):
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import operator
plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 4), dpi=300,
facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
sorted_keys, sorted_vals = zip(*sorted(duration_list.items(),
flierprops = dict(markerfacecolor='0.75', markersize=1,
ax = sns.boxplot(data=sorted_vals, width=.3, orient='h',
ax.set(xlabel="Time in ms", ylabel="")
plt.yticks(plt.yticks()[0], sorted_keys)
if __name__ == '__main__':