
I am trying to use google maps api on my site. I am adding the following url as my script source http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyD4RDCq5jqjyooPAQM3MDPTWFR1LDq1N6s&sensor=true. And when I load the page I get the following error.Error generated on my site

I checked my google aps console and the google api is turned on Image from google api console

I am not sure why I am getting this error. My website url is sporkstick.com. My other google api settings


2 Answers


use this:


keys are not necessary in v3


Do you have a link to a live demo? Without that, I can only guess that the referrer (i.e. the site that you're putting a map on) does not match the restrictions on referrers you've set up in the API console.


You're using the V2 API. Definitely start by loading the V3 Maps API. The V2 API is deprecated. If you look at your console, you've only activated the V3 API for that key, not the V2 API.