
I have Eclipse 3.4.2 installed on Windows with subclipse. Another developer added an SVN repository with his credentials and selected 'Save password'. Now every time I do anything with SVN his cached credentials are used. How can I change them to mine?

I have already checked the 'workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.tigris...' folders, and could not find any way to reset those cached credentials.


21 Answers



Usernames and passwords

Subclipse does not collect or store username and password credentials when defining a repository. This is because the JavaHL and SVNKit client adapters are intelligent enough to prompt you for this information when they need to -- including when your password has changed.

You can also allow the adapter to cache this information and a common question is how do you delete this cached information so that you can be prompted again? We have an open request to have an API added to JavaHL so that we could provide a UI to do this. Currently, you have to manually delete the cache. The location of the cache varies based on the client adapter used.

JavaHL caches the information in the same location as the command line client -- in the Subversion runtime configuration area. On Windows this is located in %APPDATA%\Subversion\auth. On Linux and OSX it is located in ~/.subversion/auth. Just find and delete the file with the cached information.

SVNKit caches information in the Eclipse keyring. By default this is a file named .keyring that is stored in the root of the Eclipse configuration folder. Both of these values can be overriden with command line options. To clear the cache, you have to delete the file. Eclipse will create a new empty keyring when you restart


My wife suggested:

  1. Open SVN Repositories View
  2. Open Location Properties...
  3. Show Credentials For: press [X] button
  4. Select user, write password, press [Finish]

and all work!!!


Go to c:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\subversion\auth\svn.simple

and delete the hexadecimal file. Normally each file is associated with one repository


It's too simple to change username and password in Eclipse.

Just follow the following steps:

In your Eclipse,

Goto Window -> Show View -> Other -> (Type as) SVN Repositories -> click that(SVN Repositories) -> Right Click SVN Repositories -> Location Properties -> General tab change the following details for credentials.,

that's it.


On Mac OS X, go to folder /$HOME (/Users/{user home}/). You will see file '.eclipse_keyring'. Remove it. All saved credentials will be lost.


On any Windows Version delete the following folder:


(You can copy&paste this to RUN/Explorer, and it will resolve the App-Data-Folder for you.)

On Linux and OSX it is located in


Source: http://www.techcrony.info/2008/03/26/admin/how-to-change-eclipse-svn-password/


On Windows 7, go to C:\Users\%User_Name%\AppData\Roaming\Subversion and remove the auth directory. Just be aware if you are connected to more than 1 SVN server that this will remove the authentication for all of the SVN servers you have configured. If you want to reset just a single server:

Inside the auth directory you should see a folder called svn.simple. Open each of those files with a text editor to determine which one to remove and then remove just that single file.


In windows :

  1. Open run type %APPDATA%\Subversion\auth\svn.simple
  2. This will open svn.simple folder
  3. you will find a file e.g. Big Alpha Numeric file
  4. Delete that file.
  5. Restart eclipse.
  6. Try to edit file from project and commit it
  7. you can see dialog asking userName password

It worked for me.... ;)


Very simple step to follow: Eclipse: Window ----> Preferences -----> SVN -----> SVN Interface ----->Select SVNKit (pure Java)


I was able unable to locate the svn.simple file, but was able to change credentials using the following three steps:

Checkout project from SVN

enter image description here

Select the repository you need to change the credentials on (note: you will not perform an checkout, but this will bring you to the screen to enter a username/password combination).

enter image description here

Finally, enter the new username and password credentials:

enter image description here

It's a bit confusing, because you begin the process of initializing a new project, but you're only resetting the repository credentials.


On any Windows Version follow this path:


Then delete the file with hexa decimal code inside this folder and restart your eclipse.


(Windows 7 Eclipse Indigo 3.7)


Find svn information file and make it writable.
(they are default readonly) (no restart of eclipse required)


I figured out the method I have written below, and it works perfectly for me

in eclipse, follow these simple steps: File -> Import -> type svn -> project from svn -> next -> Create a new repository location -> Next - > You would see "Secure Storage" below the Authentication Menu. Click on this button "Secure Storage" . This is the place where we can delete all the password caches. Now once you are here, follow these:

  1. Under password tab, click "Clear passwords"
  2. Under "contents" tab, go to SVN, select each sub options, and click on "Delete"
  3. Restart eclipse

All the stored passwords are now gone, and you can use your new svn password to sync


Delete the .keyring file under the location: configuration\org.eclipse.core.runtime, and after that, you will be invited to prompt your new svn account.


Delete the .keyring file under the location: configuration\org.eclipse.core.runtime, and after that, you will be invited to prompt your new svn account. for me it worked.


For Mac ,

  1. Close the Eclipse Workspace
  2. Go to /Users/username/.subversion/auth/svn.simple
  3. Delete. The file inside it with encrypted(Big Alpha Numeric) file name.
  4. Open key chain(/Applications/Utilities/) and delete the key saved for SVN.
  5. Now open Eclipse workspace try to update your project , prompt will show up asking you the SVN credentials
  6. Give you updated SVN credentials and update it In keychain .

I'm using svn+ssh protocol to access SVN. What I had to do to fix a similar issue, was to open Putty and reconfigure it so that it did not have wrong_user_name@myserver but correct_user_name@myserver in the saved sessions.


In Eclipse: Ctrl + F8 -> SVN Repository Exploring -> Right Click in the respository -> Location Properties -> Finish ;)


I deleted file inside svn.simple directory at below path on windows machine (Windows 7):


Problem solved.


There are several places on Windows where SVN will place cached credentials depending on system configuration. Read SVNBook | Client Credentials.

  • The main credential store is located in %APPDATA%\Subversion\auth and you can run svn auth command to view and manage its contents.

  • You can also run cmdkey to view the credentials stored in Windows Credential Manager.

  • If your SVN server is integrated with Active Directory and supports Integrated Windows Authentication such as VisualSVN Server, your Windows logon credentials are used for authentication, but they are not cached. You can run whoami to find out your user account name.


I have been searching answer for the same, but none of above didn't work for me.But I did the following steps and got rectified.

My scenario:-

  1. Eclipse installed on linux
  2. Eclipse version: 2019.03
  3. Previously I selected, store Password locally ( so whenever any updates from existing svn repository , not prompting for password).

Solution:- Remove locally stored credentials.

Steps :

  1. In linux allow show hidden files ( Open File Explorer , Click On "View" and click on "Show Hidden Files"
  2. Go to User Home Folder-> .eclipse/.org.eclipse.equinox.security/
  3. Open & Edit "secure_storage" file any text edit and remove all the contents & save . ( Better to take backup of "secure_storage" file before editing)

Now will ask while connecting SVN

Thank You