
here is the end goal: get a new connection from a factory by name like so factory.CreateConnection<SqlConnection>("my db")

Here is my code so far:

type IConnectionFactory =
    abstract member CreateConnection : unit -> IDbConnection

type DefaultConnectionFactory<'t when 't : (new : unit -> 't) and 't :> IDbConnection> () =
    member this.CreateConnection () = new 't()

    interface IConnectionFactory with
        member this.CreateConnection () = this.CreateConnection() :> IDbConnection

type DefaultConnectionFactoryFactory() =
    member this.CreateConnectionFactory connectionType =
        if not (typeof<IDbConnection>.IsAssignableFrom connectionType)
        then invalidArg "connectionType" (sprintf "type %O is not assignable to IDbConnection" connectionType)

        let genericFactoryType = typedefof<DefaultConnectionFactory<_>>
        let factorytype = genericFactoryType.MakeGenericType([| connectionType |])
        Activator.CreateInstance(factorytype) :?> IConnectionFactory

type ConnectionFactory (connectionStrings : Dictionary<string, (IConnectionFactory * string)>) =
    let ConnectionStrings = connectionStrings

    member this.CreateConnection connectionStringName : 't :> IDbConnection =
        if ConnectionStrings.ContainsKey connectionStringName
            let connectionFactory, connectionString = ConnectionStrings.Item connectionStringName
            let connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection ()
            connection.ConnectionString <- connectionString
            connection :?> 't
        else invalidArg "dataSourceName" (sprintf "no data source found named %s" connectionStringName)

on this line :

let genericFactoryType = typedefof<DefaultConnectionFactory<_>>

I am getting this error: Type constraint mismatch when applying the default type 'IDbConnection' for a type inference variable. A generic construct requires that the type 'IDbConnection' have a public default constructor Consider adding further type constraints

I'm not sure how to resolve it... Any other suggestions are welcome as well

ConnectionFactoryFactory?? ...how meta.Daniel
I'm open to suggestions if you think there is a better way...Brad

1 Answers


It's sort of related to this question. The problem is typedefof<DefaultConnectionFactory<_>>. The constraint on DefaultConnectionFactory requires a type that implements IDbConnection and has a default constructor. The compiler knows of no such type. So, you'll have to provide one. You could use SqlConnection, for instance:


The effect is the same. typedefof will return the unbounded type DefaultConnectionFactory<> (in C# terms), which is impossible to express in F#.