
I have a generic method which has two generic parameters. I tried to compile the code below but it doesn't work. Is it a .NET limitation? Is it possible to have multiple constraints for different parameter?

public TResponse Call<TResponse, TRequest>(TRequest request)
  where TRequest : MyClass, TResponse : MyOtherClass

4 Answers


It is possible to do this, you've just got the syntax slightly wrong. You need a where for each constraint rather than separating them with a comma:

public TResponse Call<TResponse, TRequest>(TRequest request)
    where TRequest : MyClass
    where TResponse : MyOtherClass

In addition to the main answer by @LukeH with another usage, we can use multiple interfaces instead of class. (One class and n count interfaces) like this

public TResponse Call<TResponse, TRequest>(TRequest request)
  where TRequest : MyClass, IMyOtherClass, IMyAnotherClass


public TResponse Call<TResponse, TRequest>(TRequest request)
  where TRequest : IMyClass,IMyOtherClass

In addition to the main answer by @LukeH, I have issue with dependency injection, and it took me some time to fix this. It is worth to share, for those who face the same issue:

public interface IBaseSupervisor<TEntity, TViewModel> 
    where TEntity : class
    where TViewModel : class

It is solved this way. in containers/services the key is typeof and the comma (,)

services.AddScoped(typeof(IBaseSupervisor<,>), typeof(BaseSupervisor<,>));

This was mentioned in this answer.


Each constraint need to be on own line and if there are more of them for single generic parameter then they need to separated by comma.

public TResponse Call<TResponse, TRequest>(TRequest request)
    where TRequest : MyClass, 
    where TResponse : MyOtherClass, IOtherClass