Chuck is right, function application in Haskell is left associative, meaning that a function invocation like f a b c
is equivalent to (((f a) b) c)
. Remember, in Haskell you should always practice looking at types of functions and trying to infer what a function can and can't do based on its type. At first you might fail to deduce anything from a function type, but with more experience type information will become indispensable.
What is the type of const
? Enter :t const
in GHCi. It will return const :: a -> b -> a
. a
and b
are type variables, meaning that const will accept an argument of any type. As 1st and 2nd arguments have different types, you can pass practically everything to the function:
const 1 2 -- returns 1
const 'a' 1 -- returns 'a'
const [1,2,3] "a" -- returns [1,2,3]
There might've been specific typeclass constraints on type variables of const
that would prevent passing functions, like Num
or Ord
, because a function isn't an instance of these typeclasses. In other words, a function doesn't behave as a number or an ordered thing, so f + g
or f < g
don't make sense. But const
has no typeclass constraints that would stop us from passing functions as arguments. Remember that Haskell supports higher-order functions? This means that Haskell's functions can accept and return other functions. Therefore:
const (+) (*) -- returns (+)
const head tail -- returns head
const id 2 -- returns id
just ignores the 2nd argument and returns whatever was passed as a 1st argument, be it a Char, String, Integer, Maybe, [], some very complex algebraic data type, or even a function.
If the type of const
is a -> b -> a
, can you guess the type of const 'a'
without finding it out without typing :t const 'a'
in GHCi? To find out a type of const 'a'
, substitute the type of the 1st argument in place of all same type variables, then remove the first argument from the type.
a -> b -> a
: original type
Char -> b -> Char
: substitute new type in type variables a
b -> Char
: the type of a new function by removing the 1st argument from type declaration
What is the type of const id
a -> b -> a
: original type
(a -> a) -> b -> (a -> a)
: substitution
b -> (a -> a)
: resulting type (first argument removed)
b -> a -> a
: same as above, ->
operator is right-associative
- Try to figure out mentally or with pen and paper, without using GHCi, what are the types of:
const (+)
, const head
, const tail
, const (++)
, const map
- Try to find out what arguments would you pass to the above functions to get a concrete value.