
A bit of a neophyte haskell question, but I came across this example in Haskell's tutorial examples. For "find the last element of a list" there are some obvious versions, like

last' [x] = x
last' (_:xs) = last' xs

But I can't make sense of an alternate version presented:

myLast' = foldr1 (const id)

So, in trying to make sense of what the application of the id function is doing, I tried in ghci:

const id 1 2 -> gives 2

This binds like this:

(const id) 1 2 -> gives 2

And not like this:

 const (id 1) 2 -> gives 1 

But I'm not making sense of this. (const id) should translate to something like

`(\x y->x) (\x->x)` 

Shouldn't this return a function that simply returns the id of its first element? Or, how is the function order making (const id) behave differently than const?

Welcome to the 10k club!Greg Bacon
I'd like to thank the academy, my producer, the director ....Steve B.

2 Answers


The definition of const is

const x = \_ -> x

Hence, (const id) is a function which takes one argument and always returns id and

const id 1 2 = (\_ -> id) 1 2
             = id 2
             = 2

The definition of foldr1 is

foldr1 f [x] = x
foldr1 f (x:xs) = f x (foldr1 f xs)

If we have

myLast' = foldr1 (const id)


myLast' [x] = foldr1 (const id) [x]
              {- definition of foldr1 -}
            = x


myLast' (x:xs) = foldr1 (const id) (x:xs)
                 {- definition of foldr1 -}
               = (const id) x (foldr1 (const id) xs)
                 {- definition of const -}  
               = (\_ -> id) x (foldr1 (const id) xs)
                 {- function application -}  
               = id (foldr1 (const id) xs)
                 {- definition of id -}  
               = foldr1 (const id) xs
                 {- definition of myLast' -}  
               = myLast' xs

which agrees with the definition of last'.


I rely heavily on :t when trying to understand Haskell. In this case:

Prelude> :t const id
const id :: b -> a -> a

might have helped you see what was going on.