I have got problem with my shaders. I am trying to put textures and phong shading in my game using glsl but I can't get any good effect.
I've been searching google for a long time, and I can't find any info how connect ligh and texture together, so I've decided to wrote and ask here.
This is my game without texture:
and this is with texture:
What I want to achive is to make this pinkish texture make better visible with spot on a center - just like without texture, and also repair those per vertex shading on gutters - make it per pixel shading, I don't know what is wrong now.
I have checked about 10 shaders with phong shading and I have got also per vertex not per pixel shading.
This is my fragment vertex code mayby someone can see there something?
varying vec3 N;
varying vec3 v;
uniform sampler2D myTexture;
varying vec2 vTexCoord;
void main (void)
vec4 finalColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec3 L = normalize(gl_LightSource[0].position.xyz - v);
vec3 E = normalize(-v); // we are in Eye Coordinates, so EyePos is (0,0,0)
vec3 R = normalize(-reflect(L,N));
//calculate Ambient Term:
vec4 Iamb = gl_FrontLightProduct[0].ambient;
//calculate Diffuse Term:
vec4 Idiff = gl_FrontLightProduct[0].diffuse * max(dot(N,L), 0.0);
// calculate Specular Term:
vec4 Ispec = gl_FrontLightProduct[0].specular
* pow(max(dot(R,E),0.0),0.3*gl_FrontMaterial.shininess);
finalColor+=Iamb + Idiff + Ispec;
// write Total Color:
gl_FragColor = gl_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor + (texture2D(myTexture, vTexCoord)) + finalColor;
and my vertex shader
varying vec3 N;
varying vec3 v;
varying vec2 vTexCoord;
void main(void)
v = vec3(gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex);
N = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
vTexCoord = vec2(gl_MultiTexCoord0);
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
I'll be glad for help.
this is how I put my texture into shader. It works fine ( I think ) because I can edit texture values in shader - in some way.
int my_sampler_uniform_location = glGetUniformLocation(brickProg, "myTexture");
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
After Nicol Bolas suggestion about colors add I have edited my shader and change it like this:
gl_FragColor = (texture2D(myTexture, vTexCoord)) + finalColor;
Now it is only to bright, but now I have to chenge a little light on stage and would be great. But still I haven't got per pixel shading instead I have got per vertex shading. This is my current screen and I have marked on example what I mean talking about shading:
finalColor+=Iamb + ((texture2D(myTexture, vTexCoord)) * Idiff) + Ispec;
instead of adding, you are supposed to multiply. – PeterT