So, I've begun a quest to implement awesome lighting without using OpenGL's lighting system. I've successfully implemented Phong diffuse lighting. Specular is giving me trouble.
I need to know what spaces the OpenGL constants I'm using occupy, because it seems they are mis-transformed, and that it results in lighting glitches.
I have confirmed that there is no problem with my C++ code by successfully loading and running a Phong diffuse shader. The C++ code may, however, be passing invalid data to the shaders, which is one of the things I'm worried about. I will paste my shaders with comments, as well as all C++ code directly pertaining to the shaders (although I'm 90% sure the problem is in the shaders).
In these images, the light sources are large points, and the axes are shown. The lights are rotating at y = 0 around an icosphere.
Here's the diffuse, so you get an idea what the model is... Note I haven't done per-pixel yet...
Here's the Fresnel lighting, as shown in source... Note how the lit faces are facing the light, not somewhere between the light and the camera
Here's the Blinn-Phong, which I had to multiply by 30... Note again how the lit faces point towards the light source, and also the fact that I had to multiply the Specular factor (S) by 30 to achieve this
Vertex Shader Source (loaded from "dirlight.vs")
const int MAXLIGHTS = 4;
uniform bool justcolor = false;
uniform int lightcount;
uniform vec4 lightposs[MAXLIGHTS];
uniform vec4 lightdirs[MAXLIGHTS];
uniform vec4 lightdifs[MAXLIGHTS];
uniform vec4 lightambs[MAXLIGHTS];
vec4 D;
//specular, normaldotlight
float S, NdotL[MAXLIGHTS];
//normal, eyevec, lightvecs, halfvecs
void main() {
//if(lightcount > MAXLIGHTS) lightcount = MAXLIGHTS;
D = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
S = 0.0;
N = gl_Normal;
E = normalize(vec3(-gl_Vertex));
for(int i = 0; i < lightcount; i++)
//calculating direction to light source
L[i] = normalize(vec3(lightposs[i] - gl_Vertex));
//normal dotted with direction to light source
NdotL[i] = max(dot(N, L[i]), 0.0);
//diffuse term, works just fine
D += gl_Color * lightdifs[i] * NdotL[i];
if(NdotL[i] >= 0.0)
//halfvector = normalize(lightdir + eyedir)
H[i] = normalize(L[i] + E);
//Blinn-Phong, only lights up faces whose normals
//point directly to the light source for some reason...
//S += max(0.0, dot(H[i], N));
//Fresnel, lights up more than Blinn-Phong
//but the faces still point directly to the light source,
//not somewhere between the lightsource and myself, like they should.
S += pow(max(0.0, dot(reflect(L[i], N), E)), 50.0);
H[i] = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//currently only showing specular. To show diffuse add D.
gl_FrontColor = justcolor ? gl_Color : vec4(S * 0.3, S * 0.3, S * 0.3, 1.0);
gl_Position = ftransform();
Fragment Shader Source (loaded from "dirlight.fs")
void main()
gl_FragColor = gl_Color;
Excerpt from C++ main initialization...
//class program manages shaders
Program shaders = Program();
//attach a vertex shader, compiled from source in dirlight.vs
shaders.addShaderFile(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, "dirlight.vs");
//attach a fragment shader compiled from source in dirlight.fs
shaders.addShaderFile(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, "dirlight.fs");
//link program;
//use program
//Program::getUniformLoc(const char* name) grabs the location
//of the uniform specified
GLint sTime = shaders.getUniformLoc("time");
GLint lightcount = shaders.getUniformLoc("lightcount");
GLint lightdir = shaders.getUniformLoc("lightdirs");
GLint lightdif = shaders.getUniformLoc("lightdifs");
GLint lightamb = shaders.getUniformLoc("lightambs");
GLint lightpos = shaders.getUniformLoc("lightposs");
GLint justcolor = shaders.getUniformLoc("justcolor");
glUniform1i(justcolor, 0);
glUniform1i(lightcount, 2);
//diffuse light colors
GLfloat lightdifs[] = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f,
1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f};
glUniform4fv(lightdif, 2, lightdifs);
glUniform4f(lightamb, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.f);
Excerpt from C++ main loop...
//My lights rotate around the origin, where I have placed an icosphere
GLfloat lightposs[] = {-4 * sinf(newTime), lighth, -4 * cosf(newTime), 0.0f,
-4 * sinf(newTime + M_PI), lighth, -4 * cosf(newTime + M_PI), 0.0f};
glUniform4fv(lightpos, 2, lightposs);