I have a GUI, in it I have a properties window that opens in a new window. In some of the times, (randomly and not deterministicly reproducible) when I open the window it gives the fallowing error:
grab failed: window not viewable
It doesn't interfere with the normal function of the program nor doesn't seem to have any affect on anything besides printing that message.
The code for creating the new window is:
proc _prop_menu_make_top {{elem {}}} {
toplevel .prop_menu
#...initialize some variables...
wm title .prop_menu "Properties for $_prop_attr(name)"
#...create and display the window widgets...
bind .prop_menu <Key-KP_Enter> {_prop_menu_ok_button}
bind .prop_menu <Return> {_prop_menu_ok_button}
bind .prop_menu <Escape> {_prop_menu_cancel_button}
# catch presses on the window's `x` button
wm protocol .prop_menu WM_DELETE_WINDOW {
# make the top window unusable
center_the_toplevel .prop_menu
focus .prop_menu.main_frame.model_name.entry
grab release .
grab set .prop_menu
proc center_the_toplevel { window } {
if { [string equal $window [winfo toplevel $window]] } {
set width [winfo reqwidth $window]
set height [winfo reqheight $window]
set x [expr {([winfo vrootwidth $window] - $width) / 2}]
set y [expr {([winfo vrootheight $window] - $height) / 2 }]
wm geometry $window +${x}+${y}
proc _prop_menu_ok_button {} {
#....saving the needed data...
proc _prop_menu_cancel_button {} {
destroy .prop_menu
# make the top window usable again
grab set .
# redraw the canvas
Does anyone has any idea as to what may be causing this problem? Does anyone has any advice as to how make the bug easier to reproduse?
EDIT: running Tcl version 8.4.6 for 64bit, don't know which tk version.